04 I Vowed

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Ace's POV

I stay in the guest bedroom I was given, just sighing and turning over in my bed from time to time. Here I am, in an empty room filled with boredom. I don't want to leave and wonder around mainly because practically all the Alphas had already gotten here. Plus the first official meeting is tomorrow so I don't feel bothered to grace them with my presence quite yet. I get it's part of the Alpha job and everything, but I hate socializing. The way everyone's eyes follow me.

I can't go in a single room and not get stared at. I can feel their eyes burning holes into every part of my body. It's unnerving. Sure, they would never stare me directly into my eyes, but regardless. They're looking at me and I don't like it. I can just feel the rough atmosphere and their questions buzzing through my mind even though no one said a word. Hell, no one needs to say a word. All you have to do is just pay attention and bam, you're bombarded with a million unasked questions. It's more annoying than if they really asked. I just can't bare it.

And I can't even hang out with Taveron, Josh, or Jaxon. Taveron has his mate Bethany here so he's too preoccupied. Then Josh has his mate Violet. Turns out they could come but they just had to stay in the rooms that the boys were given. Of course, everyone was too ecstatic of that to interject. Then Jaxon....he went into the pack's gym to work out. On a normal day, we would work out together. But again, I don't want to face those horrid wolves with staring problems. We would go work out in the mornings at four until about ten in the morning. Then we would work out later in the day at seven until eleven. 

But this room is so irritatingly silent, I think I might just join him. It is only seven ten after all...

Being snapped out of my thoughts, some one knocks on the door. I groan, standing up from the bed and walking up to the door. Can people just leave me alone today? I open the door to see Alpha Moore.

"Yes, Alpha Moore?" I ask politely, dreading even having to talk to some one else other than those close to me. I don't know what my problem is, I just don't like talking to people I don't know.

"Well, dinner is done and I came up to see if you were attending." A silent begging was present in his words and I even know why he's acting so. I don't attend any conferences so he thinks that if I walk down there with him, everyone would be jealous and would see him as a hot shot. It's happened many times before. Wolves inviting me to places only to show me off as well as my rank...it's aggravating.

"Just have a maid bring it up here for me at eleven thirty." I mutter, trying to keep myself from rolling my eyes.

"As you wish." Disappointment dances in his eyes but I don't have any room to care. I could care less at this point. I'm not some kind of show dog for everyone to use.

I close the door when I see him leave, sighing.

I guess I should go to the gym today. Since everyone will be in the dining hall eating, I won't run into anyone I don't want to. I smile at this and walk to my suitcase, pulling out a loose black tank top and basic black gym shorts. 

I slip on my clothes and tie on my shoes, putting on deodorant before heading out the door with a gym bag slinked over my shoulder. Working out and doing pushups is one of the only things keeping me sane. From after all the drama with the elements, I can hardly ever focus and keep my head straight. All I ever think about is what if anyone finds out about me? What if I'll never be able to have a normal life because of this?

What I really hate is my father's disappointment. If I don't grow up to be like the Alpha he was, I won't be able to go through the day happy. All I've been trying to do my whole life is trying to make my father proud. So I did as I thought would be appropriate. I never smoked, never got a one night stand, never did any of the stereotypical delinquent ways. But there was one rule of my father's that I did break. I got a girl that wasn't my mate. And no, before you throw shade and some stereotypes at me, she was far beyond being a whore.

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