20 Bonfire

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Skylar's POV_

Chatters were going off in every inch of the area around us. Ace and I sat on a wood log next to the fire while we listened in on the buzz around us. The fire warmed up my face as the chill of the night was biting at my back.

Our little walk beforehand was long and sweet. It wasn't like we were talking in a relationship way. It was like two bestfriends just talking, laughing, and having fun. Which I'm really glad for. I didn't want to feel forced into a relationship. I really wouldn't mind if we could live like that for the rest of our lives.

I lay my head on his shoulder with a yawn as he smiles. He starts up a chat with one if the pack members and I slowly drift in and out of sleep. It was something about his deep and smooth voice that lulled me to sleep.

Ace's POV_

Hearing a soft snore coming from beside me, I decided that it was enough and I made a decision to take her to her bed. I pardon away from a pack member and slowly pick Skylar up. A little noise she made is what made me take a full stop in attempt to not wake her up.

I had her in a complete bridal style hold as I was weaving through the crowd. I love having a large pack...but sometimes it has its faults. And being able to do things together is one difficult task.

Making it up to the door, I swing it open with some effort made on my part. I close the door as quietly as I can make it and I carry on through. Walking up the stairs was also a task since I'm carrying a human being with me.

I find her room and I slowly set her in the bed, under the covers. I deemed it was good enough as I leaned in and kissed her forehead. My calm atmosphere shook to fear when flames started dancing on the skin on my arm.

I threw my body back and away from her. Feeling overwhelmed with my guilt once again, I ran out of the room, being light on my feet.

I couldn't handle this fear anymore. I couldn't take this feeling of walking on eggshells. But does this feeling even matter anymore? No matter how many times I complain about it, I will always be this way. I will never get to be any different.

Sorrow hung in my heart, I stalked around the house until I got to my office. I know what I have to do but it'll be difficult. I open the door and close it behind me. My feet felt like concrete as I stalked over to my desk. It was like my body was trying to reject my decision. But I knew in my heart that there was no easier way.

Flipping through phone numbers that I had pinned up on my board, I grabbed the one I was looking for.

Reaching over to the phone, I tap away at the keypad and press speaker. There was a few rings before he picked up.

"Alpha Ace?" The voice frowns from the other side.

"Alpha Moore." I recognize him and carry on. "Skylar has been missing home recently and she requested to go back and visit. Pack situations have been happening here anyway so I thought it'd be a good opportunity..."

"Oh, that's be delightful. Don't you think the distance will be a bit difficult though? With the mate bond?" Moore questioned me rather quickly that it took me back for a second.

"The bond hasn't progressed. So it'll be fine. Is two weeks okay with you?" I will be honest. I'm not the happiest that nothing has happened. But it's not like anything CAN happen. I'll either hurt her emotionally or physically. And I'd rather hurt her emotionally rather than the latter.

"Uhm, two weeks is completely fine. I hope you don't mind me asking but..what's going on? Usually an Alpha would be depressed to give up their mate for that long." He's concerned nevertheless. But there's no way I'm going to tell him.

"Everything is fine, Mr.Moore. I just.." I let out a big sigh. I really shouldn't say this. "Things have been difficult and I haven't been very honest with anyone. I think that's it's best for both of our interests if she were to go. Let's say...tomorrow? Would that suffice?"

"That'd be fine. But what are you not telling people?" Now his dad mode is kicking in. The questioning irritation is evident.

"I really must go now." I state, closing myself off once again.

"Ace. What is going on." Alpha Moore states each word with an amount of venom that I've never heard before. It was terrifying.

"I can't tell you. And I certainly can't tell your daughter." My voice goes to ice and I hang up the phone.

I feel my arms start to freeze over and I grab the phone again and dial the number for the head of the Omegas. The call is immediately accepted with no pauses in between.

"Olivia. Tomorrow morning, please pack  up Mrs.Moore's things and schedule for an escort to take her home. I will be gone for the day so please make sure you address these."

"Yes, sir." She immediately snaps back and I hang up the phone.

I remember reading up on a catalog the other day. Apparently somewhere in the south, there's a library. A library that was strictly made for the supernatural. There was no place near here that would have anything like that. Those kinds of libraries are rare to come by and they're usually in neutral areas far out from any packs.

This one in particular might just have the book that I'm looking for.

I know it'll be hard to get there, given my reputation amongst the rogues. But this is a task that I wouldn't even assign to my closest allies. This is something that could decide my fate. Shuffling through my closet, I find my bookbag that I'll be carrying around for the next week or two.

Twisting to my left, I shuffle through many papers that could be just what I'm looking for. A sudden knock from the door is what tears me to reality and I look so see Jaxon standing there. Holding my catalog with his arms crossed over his chest.

"When were you planning on telling me this?"

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