19 Just too much

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Ace's POV_

"What did the cup do to you?" I muse, lifting an eye brow at the gorgeous lady in front of me. She wrapped her hand so tightly around her glass that I had fear it would shatter.

Although I know exactly what's up. But the server had left about ten minutes ago.

Skylar looks down at her hand and frowns. She then slowly released it. If we lived in a world where objects had emotions and weird comical limbs, Sky would either get slapped or the cup would just take off running.

"Hmph." Skylar folds her arms over one another and grumbles. "Why couldn't the server of been an asexual monkey/human thing? Should we ask for the newest model in the back?" I chuckle and shake my head.

"I personally don't mind it. And as a democracy, I think we've landed on a fifty-fifty scenario. Sorry love, there's just no getting back from that." She laughs and just bites her lip as she becomes immensely focused on a table napkin.

About five minutes passes by. Which consisted of her staring at the napkin and me staring at her. Much like she was most likely doing with the napkin, I viewed each and every inch on her face. Just looking at what made my mate, my mate.

Honestly? This girl doesn't need makeup. It's like when you go to your friends and say you like someone. Then they go and say, 'eh, she's not really pretty'. No. I've found a girl that met just about everyone's standards. And even further than that.

She has the kind of personality that no one could compete with.

All throughout high school, I didn't date a single girl. Apart from one. But moving on.

I've had plently of opportunities. I could've gone and done it with a lot of different girls. But they all looked the same to me.

The same dull eyes that lacked something. The damaged hair from too much curling and straightening. The face that was getting weighed down from makeup. And then there's the most likely tissue-filled bra. Problem/Solution, just throw water at her.

But Skylar...she was completely different. And dare I say it, she opened my eyes to the girl I was with before her. Maybe I was so in love with the idea of love that I settled for the first thing I deemed presentable.

Now that I think about it, that girl I dated was just like the rest of the girls I listed off. 

I stop thinking when a white plate full of chicken alfredo is placed in front of me. I don't even look at the server. I look over at Skylar as her food is placed in front of her.

"Alright, do you guys need anything else?" I shake my head and still don't look at her. "Okay...just holler."

"If you would've seen the look of her face." Skylar says a matter-of-factly. I chuckle and shake my head.

"Glad I didn't." I mutter, stabbing some noodles and chicken. "She's not even my type." I take a large bite of my food after blowing childishly on it. Heaven. Utter heaven.

"And your type is...?"

"You kidding?" I raise my brow and then realize just how frequently I do that.

"You've never told me and I don't come across a girl who I think you'd be interested in in the least." I laugh at Skylar's antic and just take another bite of my food and swallow it down.

"Babe, you see her every day." Her face contorts into pain and I clarify. "In your mirrior."

She makes a weird noise of which I've never heard before. Skylar then covers her face with her hands out of embarrassment.

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