06 Conference PART 1

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Skylar's POV_

"Ugh, this darn conference!" I groan, growling and muttering under my breath. "You know dad, if you wanted to bore me to death, you could've just thrown me back into school. I don't have to spend the whole week off." Sitting at the conference table, Alphas just now start to file in. But we all know the one Alpha I don't want to see. Bingo, my mate. I mean, how dare he even say he doesn't want to be around me!?

My father gives me a hard glare. "I would appreciate it if you don't speak like this in front of the other Alphas." He says in a deadly tone, daring me to continue. "I would also appreciate it if you don't complain. You were born into this, you know?"

"Why couldn't your sons come here? Zack is the one taking over as Alpha after all!" I whine, pouting out my bottom lip but stopping when a ton of the Alphas looked over at me.

"Because he just got back from a trip. He needs time off sometimes too." Dad gives me a pointed look, making me huff and cross my arms over my chest.

Then the scent reached my nose. The one I loved, the same I look away from. I can feel his powerful aura, the way he walked to his seat. I could as well feel his gaze on the side of my face. Letting my hair form a curtain over my face, I quietly whimper. Though he seemed to hear because I see him stiffen out of the corner of my eye. It makes me sad for a single second but then I remind myself of what he said about me. 'I don't want to be around her.'

He wants us, Skylar. I can feel it, his wolf always sends small messages to me. My wolf pleads, trying to make me give him a second chance.

His wolf may like us, but he sure as hell doesn't! I growl back at her, making her shrink back. He doesn't care about us. All we are to him is useless trash. Our own mate hates us!

Y-You don't know that. All y-you're doing is a-assuming! She whimpers back, hurt that I would yell at her.

Shut up, you don't own me. Now do you, mutt? I growl out, but cutting short when I realized I had called her a mutt. I-I'm sorry! I'm just sad, I didn't mean to say that! She only whimpers in response.

Yeah, like you didn't mean to. She whispers out, ending the link.

I try to talk to her to prove I didn't mean to, but it's just like talking to a wall! Just another reason why I don't like him.

"Okay, now that everyone has arrived, lets talk. Does anyone have any issues in their packs or something anyone could improve on?" My father speaks first, looking around questioningly.

"Alpha Ace could stop being a dick." Alpha Jest mumbles out, making Ace growl.

"You have a problem, you say it to my face. If you really think you're stronger than me, we can settle it with a war, got that, mutt?" Ace bellows out, death glaring at Alpha Jest like he killed his mother. "One thing I can not stand is scummy Alphas like yourself. Instead of using your position to talk shit, how about you do something productive and oh, I don't know -actually take care of your pack? Because from the look of it, you can't even handle a single rouge without calling someone, wanting help." 

I hear another person lowly whistle. The air immediately got tense and proud once again made its way into my chest. But instead of egging the emotion on, I shoo it away. The only emotion I want to feel for him is anger.

When Alpha Jest didn't even dare to talk, Ace turns to my dad.

"You may continue, Alpha Moore."

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