11 Breakfast for Everyone

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Skylar's POV_

A yawn escaping my mouth, I rub my eyes. After we came to Ace's pack last night and he showed us to our rooms, I completely collapsed on the soft feather filled bed. I have to admit, it was the best sleep I've had in a while.

The room I was given was definitely for a higher ranking wolf. Shiny and polished oak flooring with soft creme walls. And of course there is a walk in closet full of clothes fit perfectly for me. Don't ask me how they got it all but it happened. The bed size is a king size with a large white comforter and stark white plush pillows. Other than that, the whole room was empty except for a soft white fur rug at the side of the bed.

With not a single ache in my body, I make slow movements to the side of the bed. My feet lightly skim over the white fur rug and a smile comes to my face. So soft. I tilt my head to the side, closing my eyes in pure bliss as I let my feet sink into the rug. Sooner or later, I glide off the bed and with sleep still nagging at the back of my head, I make my way into the closet.

Turning on the light, I feel myself perk up. With so many colors in my closet, I get excited. I'm not a huge clothes fan, but this has got to be my heaven.  My hands skim over many hangers until I find the top I want. A soft material with no sleeves.

Which is of course a stark white crop top hoodie. It just seemed so cool because it doesn't have sleeves and it's a crop top! Then I look through shelves upon shelves and pick up a pair of jeans that stuck out to me. A smirk comes to my face when I take in the light blue ripped skinny jeans. Taking my time to throw on my clothes, I walk into the bathroom that was attached to the closet.

It's official. This is the richest house I've ever been in. I haven't observed much since I was so tired before when we first walked in. But I will for sure have to have a tour. Walking up to the sink, I grab a newly bought never been used before deodorant. How useful. Applying that and then brushing my teeth, I set off into my room.

Next mission: Find Violet, Bethany, and or Mel.

Tapping my chin, I get interrupted from my thoughts on where to find them by a not so quiet knocking at the door. I couldn't help the rolling of my eyes. A loud sigh escaping my lips, I stomp all the way to the door and open it. Putting all my weight on one foot, I look at the person in front of me.

"Breakfast is downstairs." Violet smiles. Then realization hits her. "Were you already awake?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Oi, I'm surprised. Well anyway, we normally have big buffets so you're in no rush. Although practically everyone -including Mel- is downstairs so I assumed you wanted food at the same time so you don't have to eat with strangers." Violet shrugs with a grin on her face, almost saying, 'yeah, I know I'm great, no need for gratitude'.

"Okay. I'll come down with you, since you know....." I give her a nervous smile but she only grins and nods.

"No need. New place, I get it." Violet shrugs and without warning, grabs onto my arm and pulls me to her, closing the door with her free hand and then running down the hall with her hand still gripping my wrist.

"What are we running for?" I yell as I almost trip over my feet. I glare at her with a string of curses escaping me. No one, and I mean no one, dares make me run in the morning. My feet hit hard against the ground. Another reason why I'm irritated is that I just want to observe the beauty of this new pack. The only thing I got to admire was my bedroom I was given. I have to admit, while utterly stunning it was, I need something a little more...Wow.

"I was mind linked that the strawberry pancakes were almost gone!" Violet screams, an urgency tone oozing from her voice. My jaw drops and my head snaps to her as I force her to come to a stop.

With a deadly tone, I point to her face. "You pulled me from my room, then made me run, then had the audacity to say it was over a strawberry pancake? How pathetic is-"

"Also the cinnamon roles!" Violet shouts, her eyes wide.

"And you didn't think to say it sooner!" With that, I grab her hand and make her run ten times the speed from before. Every once in a while, she would yell which direction to go to. 

"There's only three left!" Violet yells. "I don't think I can do this much longer! Tell my mate I love him and I give my will to my cats!" She sobs and I make us come to a stop. Sobs racking my body, I throw her on my back and secure her legs around my waist.

"I won't give up on our mission! No man left behind! I will get you those pancakes if it's the last thing I do!" I announce with tears falling from my eyes.

Ace's POV_

"Where the hell is Violet?" Josh asks, completely agitated. "See, this is why we should have sent someone to go with her! What if she got were-napped? What....what if.....what if she....took all my hoodies?!" Josh places a hand over his heart and I don't stop myself from rolling my eyes. Sitting across the table from me, he gasps. "Fake friend!"

"Logical friend." I correct him, making Mel laugh from beside me.

"I'm so happy I'm mate-less." Jaxon grins and shakes his head. "Too much drama and worrying."

"Lucky." I mutter, so quiet no one hears me. Once again, I'm not mad at her or anything, just mad at myself. I can't stop the feelings I feel around her and I can't ignore it. No matter how much I try to. I'm torn.

"Violet promised she would do some last second studying with me-" Josh busts out laughing, so much he gets into a coughing fit. Everyone in our friend group at the table looks over at him and lifts an eyebrow.

"Violet and the word studying in the same sentence." Josh wipes away tears only to start laugh crying again. "Oh my gosh, such a laugh!" He puts his head in his hands and grumbles. "My mate's gone missing."

"Bipolar much?" I roll my eyes, digging my spoon into some yogurt then digging in.

"Stupid, pathetic, rude, terrible mate much."  He sticks his tongue out at me and I shrug.

"Guilty." With a shrug, I eat some more of my food.

Everyone -besides me- jumps in their seats as the giant door to the cafeteria bursts open. It was almost comical the way everyone's heads snapped to the door in unison. There stood a pair of laughing girls with huge smiles on their faces. To be exact, my mate and Violet. I wish I could make her happy like that. I wish I was the reason for her laughter. I wish the joke I told her would make her smile.

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