Chapter 12: Between Light And Dark

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Black. Darkness. Night. I don't know which one I'm stuck in, but I know that this place wasn't Murder House. Where am I? How did I get here? This place is so dark, lonely and frightening. I don't know what it is, and how to get out. Where is Violet? Where is my light? I can feel tears swell in my eyes and my heart aching in my chest. My head is drilling like someone was trying to pick lock their way into my skull. Some people lock their brains away from everyone and throw away the key, but me, my mind is layered in chains, that only one person could ever break, but that person wasn't with me.

"You really thought you were happy?" A voice said from the dark. The voice startled me, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.
"Who's there?"
"You'll never be happy, Tate. You're a killer, killer's don't get a happy ending."
"Where are you? Come out!"
"I'm already there."
That comment caused my heart to beat harder, making my chest to ache more. Who is this guy? What does he want? The voice seems so familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it.
"You don't have to think so hard, Tate."
"How do you know my name?!"
I'm sweating uncontrollably, but cold at the same time. What's happening to me? Where the fuck am I? Where's Violet?! HELP ME!
That voice, that soft familiar voice. It sounded terrified and stressed. It sounded like Violet was in trouble.

I turn and face the direction the voice came from, but nothing is there. What's happening to me? Am I going mad? Well, more than I already was? I grip my locks and almost tear hair out from the stress. I can't see anything it's that dark.
"TATE!" Violet's voice screams, causing me to run in the direction it came from.
"I'm coming!"
"You're not fast enough. You ran track, yeah. But you won't be fast enough."
My sprinting turned to straight up charging towards the noise. This was Violet, this was my true love. I would hurt anyone who tried to harm her, and something in my nerves told me that was about to happen.

I make haste towards the sound until I can't breathe. My lungs hurt, my everything hurts. This place is hell, my hell. This was darkness? Maybe, this was my own mind. Violet once said I was the darkness, so it makes the most sense. I was caught in my own mind, and It was slowly driving me crazy.
"Tate." That voice, it was behind me again, trying to dig its way into my head.
"I'd turn around if I were you."
"Fine, have it your way."

I hear something spill on the ground, like some sort of liquid. The sound is startling and causes me to turn around, and what I find causes my heart to nearly tearing in two. Violet lays on the ground in front of me, blood spilling from the neck wound sliced across her neck. I sprint to go help her, faster than I ever have in my life, but then, I'm forced to the ground by something.
"What the f-" I look up. I can't believe what I'm seeing; dark tattoos and eyes, blonde hair. It was me, the me I've been seeing in my dreams. He just stares at me, emotionless, like he was thinking. I look back at Violet, who was long dead, which was causing me to panic. My eyes swell with tears that drop quickly, making me weep at the death of my true love. I turn again to see him, to see my alter-ego, the one that pushed me to kill all of those people, the voice in my head, Taint.
"Hello, Tate."

I gasp violently, trying hard to breathe. Violet's gone because of me, she's dead, I killed her. My heart aches viciously until I turn, seeing her. Violet was snuggled beside me, her soft hair over her beautiful face. It was all a dream, and as soon as I realised that, the aching of my heart stopped. I was safely in Violet's bed, next to the only person I've ever loved in my entire life. I was probably the most relieved person in the entire world right now. I thought she was gone forever, I wouldn't know what to do if she died, even know she can't. No doubt that I was indefinitely in love with her.

I could feel the masses of sweat I had sweated while having that nightmare, and it's irritating. I slowly slip through Violet's arms, softly placing them on the bed while admiring her beauty. How could someone be so beautiful? Even when fast asleep? I stare at her hazel eyes, losing myself in my love for her. She was perfect, to me at least, but I don't care what anyone else thinks. She's mine, for as long as she wants to be, she's mine. I once told her I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt her, and I was going to live up to that promise no matter what.

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