Chapter 14: A Worthless Status

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It's the morning after last night's incident, and somehow I still feel exhausted. I don't feel like getting out of bed, but I have to because I can feel the lack of Violet's presence in the room, which makes me feel worried. But still, I'm too exhausted to get up, which makes no sense, I'm a ghost and I don't really need sleep. Where is Violet? I already miss her like crazy, her eyes, her smile, all of it. Our moment in the shower was magical like it didn't really happen like it was all a very, wanted dream. But where is she at eight o'clock in the morning? Not like we can leave, but I'm happy she's found something productive to do, she's done what others couldn't. I smile stupidly at the idea, but that smile is interrupted when I hear the door.

It's Violet. She walks in with her laptop, slamming the door behind her. This isn't good, by the look on her upset face, it's definitely not good.
"Not now, Tate," she snarls. What has happened to her? Was has ticked her off? Was it me and what I did last night? I don't know, but I want to found out.
I become silent and just watch her. She looks extremely pissed off, confused, a lot of emotions put into one body in a single moment. It didn't look good, at all. I was upset, not for me at all, but for her. I once told her that I care about her feelings more than my own, and that is one-hundred percent honesty. I would do anything for her, and I think by now, she would know that. I've taken knives, bullets, fire, a lot of things, and I would take that over and over for her. But now she was stressed and seemed like she doesn't wanna' talk about it, but she has to learn that now that isn't an option.

"What's wrong, Violet?"
"Tate, I said not n-"
"I know what you said, but that isn't an option, you need to tell. I want to help you."
I feel like stopping her there pissed her off, but too bad, I needed to say it.
"Tate, It's this."
She passes me her laptop, revealing a very undone looking page called "Statuses of People Gone Missing", and to no surprise, she was looking at her own status. I scroll down the page, staring at the different stories like "Violet Harmon. Where are you now?". No wonder she's pissed off, all of these stories are full of lies, some a lot more than others. If I was smart enough, I'd tip them off about the cocksucker and how she 'murdered' the Harmon family. There'd be no evidence, but the blood of my child, it would be half Harmon, which is enough evidence to put her right into jail, rotting away with Larry. But this isn't about me, it's about Violet, and I was committed to making her feel much better, and that's what I'm going to do.

I slam the laptop down, staring her in the eye. I shift it over her drawer and sit up straight, not caring about the fact that I'm not wearing a shirt. I faced her, grasping her hand in mine. I wanted her to know that this was completely serious, no bullshit, no joking around, nothing like that. My plan was to make sure the day was going to be good, and not let a bunch of bullshit like these stories ruin her day like an over-soft pear. Nothing would stop me from helping her, making her day so much more enjoyable, I mean, we're dead, not like our lives are full of happiness and life anyway, but making her day better and being able to make her smile and even blush, that's a day worth living.

The way she looks at me, all watery eyed and worried, it makes me feel upset, that's why I have to change her mood, that's why I have to make her happy. I keep her hand grasped in mine to make her know that I'm being serious but have no intentions of making her mood worse.
"Violet, all the shit on this page, is nothing. It's worth nothing, it is nothing, the person who made it is nothing, and your make believe status on there is nothing. I know you, and all that shit isn't you. Do you want to know who you are? What you are to me?"
"Yes." Her voice was reluctant sounding like she doesn't really know if she wants to hear it, I would have told her anyway.
"You. Are. Violet. Harmon. You're an amazing, caring, honest, loving, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, and best of all, you're everything to me! I love you Violet an-"
My talking is silenced when she kisses me, her lips caressing mine in a heavenly touch. If anybody wonders what it's like to be touched by an angel, they've clearly never kissed Violet Harmon, which is good, because I get to keep her all for myself, she's mine.

Our kissing only speeds up, lips again fighting for dominance, but I'm committed to winning this time. I slip over to her, softly dragging her down to the bed, positioning myself on top of her. I kiss her neck, sucking on it while I feel her hands move around my chest. I slip off her shirt, revealing a lacy black bra, god she looks so sexy in it. I move my hands across her stomach, slowly moving down to it.
"Tate?" she moans.
"Kiss my stomach, please."
I smile uncontrollably because I know how much she loves it, how much she loves feeling my hands on her body. "I'm way ahead of her."
I move down to her stomach, kissing from the top of the chest and slowly moving down to her belly button with my tongue. I hear her moan, which was a good sign, a good sign she was loving what I was doing. I kiss at her belly button, feeling her hands grip my hair tightly. The harder I kiss, the harder she yanks it, and it stays like that for a while, until I start to get over my hair getting yanked. I move my way back to her, but I stop when I see her, staring down at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.
"Do you really love me?"
Why would she even ask me that? Of course, I do, I love her more than my own existence, and I plan on making my existence worth every second, as long as I'm with her.
"Of course I love you!" I mean back up kissing her cheek. "You mean so much to me, like, It's- It's hard to explain how much I love you. When I saw those guys, and what they were going to do to you, it felt like a bomb just exploded in my head. I lost control when I attacked them, and If I'm going, to be honest, I really wanted to kill them, all of them."
"Why, Tate?" She asks me, her voice softer than the fluffiest of clouds. Her voice was angelic, nothing like I've heard before. I mean I had girlfriends before her, but they treated like a puppet, they only wanted me for my looks and fame on the track, but nothing more. I had to tell Violet the truth before it tore me apart, so, that's what I must do.
"They were going to rape you, Violet. They were going to scar you, permanently. And I wasn't going to just to going to stand around and watch them to that to you! I love you! I love you more than anything about myself, I'm nothing! I'm a monster, I'm something that people will always hate! And If I'm a stone, with a diamond as his girlfriend, the diamond is all I'm going to care about, I could die over and over, and all of that pain would be worth it. I-"

Her finger crosses my mouth, shushing me. I could see the look in her eyes, they were watery again, but this time because of me. What I said may have hurt her feelings, but it's try, they could look anywhere for my name, and there would be nothing. I was a ghost before I got gunned down by those S.W.A.T. members, and I bet they felt nothing from it, nothing from killing a teenager that had just killed some of his fellow students.
"Tate, promise me you'll never say that again. Please, promise me!"
It's hard to promise her something that isn't that simple. I hate myself, I'll never stop. But if she makes me, I might have to.
"Yes, I promise."

She hugs me, making me feel her warmth once again, the warmth I love so much. We lay down together, our shirtless bodies touching. I stare at my beautiful girlfriend, who's smiling uncontrollably, her smile is more beautiful than anything I've ever seen before. She looks up at me, her hazel eyes meeting mine in a single moment of perfection, a perfection I wish would never end. I kiss her forehead lovingly, I feel her body shiver while I do it, a sign that she loved it.
"I love you, Tate Langdon."
"I love you too Violet Harmon."
I guess I could get rid of my self-hate for her, if it makes her happy, I would do anything.

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