Chapter 13: The Wrong Choices

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It was really happening. For the first time since I was stuck here, someone was actually breaking into Murder House. Who would even want to, it's placed Murder House for a reason. I gripped Violet's hand and we both appeared on top of the stairs, making sure we were invisible. Even when she's dead, Violet still seems so full of fear, which is good, because it shows that she still has emotion, some of the ghosts here have trouble showing emotion or certain ones. I could feel her hand squeeze mine, which was cute, but that didn't stop my attention from leaving the three men in black, scrummaging around at the bottom of the stairs.
"You two," Vivien says from behind us. "What's going on?"
"People have broken into the house, Mom," Violet explains, staring back at the men. Next thing we knew, Ben, Patrick and Chad had joined us.
"I hope they leave soon," Vivien says.
"So do I," I agree.

The men seemed so surprised by all the stuff still in the house, their eyes were all wide and excited,
"Holy fuck, guys. Look at all this shit!" One man says.
"Keep your voice down, we're not here for that stuff anyway."
"Right, right. Jewelry and anything historically valuable. Okay Mr Scientist," The man says again sarcastically.
"Guys shut the fuck up!" The last guy says.
Everyone was being quiet, even though they can't hear us if we don't want them to, we didn't want to break each other's concentration. But that was before Chad started talking.
"We should scare them off before they try to take anything," he says, holding onto Patrick's arm. "It'd be a lot better than waiting for them to leave."
"No, Chad, we should wait. They'll leave soon, I swear," Ben said like he does. Ben was like a leader to our kind, whenever something wasn't going right, he was the person to go to, not only because he was loved by people, but also because he was feared. Even I looked up to him in a way, well I guess I had to, I was dating his daughter, he used to hate me, but not so much anymore.

My attention went back to Violet, who was as quiet as she could be. Then it finally hit me; these guys are similar to the ones that attacked her, that's why she was so afraid of them. I squeeze her hand to catch her attention, which worked like it always does, god I love the feeling of her soft hands.
"Hey," I say to her, staring her right into her hazel eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want these fuckers to leave." Her voice was crackly like it was hard for her to say that, I know it was.
"So do I."
At the corner of my eye, I see Ben and Vivien staring at Violet and me, smiling. I guess they really have forgiven me? I haven't hurt Violet, I won't. It'd rather die I thousand times over than hurt her, although, I already have. Moira joins us also, staring at the three strange men like she hasn't seen one in a long time, not a live one anyway.

The men weren't really doing much; one was watching the door, and the other two were probably looking around for the entrance to the basement, which was locked anyway. Probably the most boring thieves ever encountered. These guys reminded me of the people I used to have to cope with in high school, and they were all the same; they had bad lives and decided to take it out of other people. I wasn't like that, I used to take it out on myself; cutting my wrists, taking weed and coke at the same time, it wasn't until I lost Beau, that I lost it somehow. I'd lost myself in the darkness, and I managed to ruin the lives of many families, including my own. These guys were reminders of that, and I hated their presence already, I wanted to force them to leave, but that wasn't going to work.

"Where the hell is Nora?" I ask everyone, staring at the top of the stairs.
"No idea, Tate," Chad said, his eyes avoiding mine. He was talking to me, which was progress, but he still didn't like me. I don't blame him, I mean, I did put his head in a pot full of apples and then broke his neck. Not exactly the best first impression if you ask me.
"Has anyone seen Nora?" Ben asked everyone, saying it a little too loud, loud enough for those men to hear.
"What the fuck was that?" the man at the door says, causing all of us to stare at them, thank fuck for being ghosts.
We weren't sure where Nora was, which was making me worried. I loved Nora like she was my mother, and her being one the most unstable of us ghosts, and us not knowing where she was, was making me extremely nervous.

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