Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 2

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Silver's P.O.V

It wasn't that I hated Gold. He was a good guy, or at least he meant well. Annoying as hell, though. The way he scrunched his face up when he smiled so that his grin seemed to take up his entire face, the way he didn't know how to use the internet without getting a virus- on my laptop, no less, and the way he ate! He would gather as much food on his spoon or fork as he could, bring his mouth to the food rather than the food to his mouth, clamp his lips around the piece of cutlery and remove it without even opening his mouth. He even made the stupid 'om' sound. And he would chew so noisily, his cheeks bulging out like a hamster. Why couldn't he just eat his god damn lunch normally!?

He was the most irritating person I had ever met, and I had met a few. Unfortunately, he was also my best friend, and barely a day went by without him popping up in front of me, grinning inanely in that stupid way. I should have been used to it, after six years of putting up with him.

Last year, Gold told me he loved me. And we had kissed... amongst other things. I wasn't sure how I felt about him then, and to be honest, I still wasn't. Sure, I would indulge him sometimes, me being the saint I am. But his kisses and touches shook me up so much that I couldn't help pushing him away most of the time.

I didn't like the way he made me feel. I had always prided myself on being the strong one. Gold was pathetic- he cried at everything. Movies, birthday cards, Jerry Springer. I hadn't cried since I was ten, at most. But in three short words Gold had succeeded in stripping me of my armor and throwing me into the lion's den.

And I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all.

It was shameful that this short guy with the complexity of a goldfish could make me feel so weak. The only other person who had been able to break through my protective wall had been my father, and that was why I ran away from home when I was twelve. There was a difference between Gold and my father, though. Father shattered my barrier with anger, using cruel words as ammunition. Gold had just slipped by with my noticing. He was so simple and so kind that I hadn't seen him as a threat. But I saw now that that was exactly why he was a threat.

It was because of him that I was currently lying wide awake in my bed- while he snored loudly on the sofa just outside my door. What was he thinking? That he'd give me a kiss goodnight? What an idiot!

I remembered how his lips had touched mine so gently. I felt my face start to burn. Ahh! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I rolled over and buried my head under my pillow. Why did I always react like this? Why was it that those little touches from Gold could mess me up so much? It wasn't fair. I was the smart one, damn it! And I couldn't even work out what was happening to me.

For all I knew it could have been a natural reaction. Maybe I would have gotten all red and flustered no matter who had kissed me. I didn't know. I'd never dated anyone before- though I didn't like to call what Gold and I had 'dating'. I was pretty sure Gold hadn't either, but at least he could chat about girls and comment if he thought they were pretty, so maybe he knew what he was doing. He was always pointing out 'hot' girls to me when we were younger. That was another thing that concerned me.

No matter which way you looked at it, I was a guy, and so was Gold. I didn't think I was being stupid in thinking there was something just not right about that. Gold had only ever shown interest in girls before, so why me now? And come to think of it, I'd never shown interest in anyone before, male or female.

I sighed. My tea wasn't working- but how could it, when my heart was racing a mile a minute? It didn't look like I was going to get any sleep tonight.

The next morning Gold laughed at the dark circles under my eyes. I glared at him, fighting back a yawn. How dare he be so bright and cheerful so early in the morning? That was another thing that pissed me off about him. He was such a morning person. Probably because he had the ability to sleep through a herd of elephants stampeding outside his window.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverWhere stories live. Discover now