Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 14

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Silver's P.O.V

Shit. Not only was Gold turning me into a sap, he was making me a bloody philosopher too. That wasn't me. I wasn't me. I was turning into something that I didn't want to be, and it was all his fault. Like on his birthday. A few years ago I would never have done all that stuff. I thought I'd die before I made someone a birthday cake. I thought I'd die before I ever said 'sorry'.

"I'm back." I was almost angry that I had gotten used to announcing everything I was about to do before I did it for the sake of Gold.

There was no reply, and I frowned. Usually Gold would come to greet me and give me a 'welcome home' kiss on the cheek. Not that I missed that. The bathroom across the hall was open, so he wasn't in there. I checked the bedroom first, half suspecting he would still be in bed, but he wasn't.

I found him in the living room, curled up on the sofa and snoring. It looked like he had been in the middle of reading a girly magazine when he fell asleep, because it was laid over his face. He was wearing what looked like a a cross between a blanket and a dressing gown, and I rolled my eyes. He looked like such a moron, snoring there on the sofa with Simon Cowell's smug face spread out over his head.

I strode over to him, ready to wake him up. Except I didn't. After a moment's pause, I slid the magazine from his unresisting hands and placed it on the coffee table beside him. His blanket was hanging half off his body, so I pulled it back over him without thinking. He opened his eyes.

"Silver?" he sniffed, wiping his red nose. "Welcome home. I won't kiss you, I don't want to give you my cold." He smiled at me, eyes watering. I looked away.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I said rudely, and he went pink in the face.

"My mom bought it for me," he said sheepishly. "Cuz your apartment has no heating, and she didn't want me to catch a cold. A bit late for that though!" He laughed, then had to stop to sneeze, spraying me with spittle. I wiped my face, scowling at him. "Sorry," he said. "Mom said she'd get you one if you wanted, by the way."

"If I wanted one, I'd put my robe on backwards," I said scathingly. If he thought I would want to wear something that made me look so ridiculous, he had another thing coming.

"It's not a robe, it's a blanket with sleeves," Gold said childishly, and I resisted the need to sigh exasperatedly. I didn't bother explaining that a blanket with sleeves was basically was a bath robe was.

I left him to enjoy his 'blanket with sleeves' and went to have a shower. I really needed one since I hadn't used the ones at the gym. Afterwards I brushed my damp hair out properly so that it was perfectly straight, and tied it in a ponytail to keep it all together. Then I took the scissors from the kitchen drawer and went into the living room to the mirror, measuring with my fingers how much I needed to chop off. If I kept my hair in a ponytail I'd only have to cut once as opposed to the long, unnecessary snipping process you'd get at your average barbers'.

"What'cha doing?" Gold asked, wiping his dripping nose on his sleeve and sitting up properly.

"Cutting my hair," I replied. "It's too long." And when I said too long, I meant too long. It already reached more than halfway down my back. I could afford to lose an inch or two, maybe more.

It was difficult to reach the back of my head with the scissors. I had to use my left hand to keep my hair still, so I couldn't hold a mirror at the back of my head to let me see what it looked like. I let out a heavy sigh of frustration and sat down on the couch. I pushed the scissors into Gold's hand.

"Just cut off an inch," I instructed. I was met with confused eyes, and I raised my hand to show the small length with my fingers. "This much." Gold raised his eyebrows and his mouth formed an 'oh' of realization. "Are you sure?" he asked, shuffling closer so that he was kneeling behind me.

"Yes, I'm sure," I snapped. "It's not difficult, Gold, just chop off the end!"

"If it's not difficult why don't you do it?" he asked helplessly. I rolled my eyes. I knew Gold wasn't smart, but even he could handle cutting off a little bit of hair. It was a shame he couldn't see that.

"Just do it."

"Okay." Gold took a deep breath and shifted around a little where he knelt. He hooked the scissors around his left hand and gave them a few practice snips, taking my ponytail in his other hand and measuring the length he had to cut off between his fingers. Then he opened the scissors and held them around the end of my hair. "I-I'm gonna do it," he said. "Ready?"

"Get on with it!"

Gold inhaled sharply. Then he inhaled again. And again, making a stuffy 'ahh' noise in the back of his throat. It only clicked in my head what was happening when it was too late. He sneezed. The scissors slipped, and I heard the shh! sound as they closed and cut through.

Gold gasped. I froze. It seemed like an age before either of us spoke.

"Gold," I hissed shakily. "What did you just do?"

"I... I..." He sounded like he was about to burst into tears. Not a good sign.

"You'd better not have done what I think you've done," I said. My voice was getting louder and higher.

Gold's quivering hand appeared at my side. For a moment I could only stare, my eyes bulging out of my head. Then my hands shot to the back of my neck, feeling frantically for what was no longer there.

Gold had cut off my whole ponytail.

"Oh my God." I couldn't manage more than a whisper. I leaped to my feet and sped to the mirror, staring at myself in horror. Thanks to how it was tied back, the front of my hair still reached past my chin, but only just. It continued at a diagonal slant to the back of my head. I had to take a step back.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, turning on Gold. He flinched and backed away.

"I... I didn't mean to!" he whimpered, snuffling.

"You're fucking eighteen years old, you should at least be able to use a pair of scissors!" I shouted. I gripped what was left of my hair. "Oh God, oh God..." I was panicking and I knew it. I'd never be able to leave the building like this!

"I'm sorry." Gold started to cry.

"Oh shit, no, don't you dare... damn!" I threw my arms back to down to my sides. "You shouldn't be the one crying here! Look at me, you can see my neck!"

Gold wiped his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with your neck," he said, and I snorted. Of course there was- it was too long.

"Ugh." I hugged my hands around the back of my neck, feeling horribly exposed without my hair. Gold curled back into a ball, hiding his face is his stupid backwards robe. I didn't care if I had upset him; he'd just practically scalped me, for God's sake! I was lucky he had just cut my hair and not my head. Snatching up the scissors, I stormed out of the room.

I didn't speak to him for the rest of the day. Every time I passed by a mirror I did a double-take. I couldn't quite recognize myself. Gold didn't mention my hair, but he kept staring at my head, which wasn't exactly encouraging. I contemplated cutting my hair again so that it was all the same length, but I really didn't fancy the idea of it getting any shorter.

That night in bed, I kept my back to him. He snuggled up to me and stroked my hair and kissed the back of my neck.

"You still look beautiful," he whispered.

I elbowed him in the ribs.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverWhere stories live. Discover now