Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 10

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Silver's P.O.V

I didn't speak to Gold for the rest of the day. It upset him, I could tell. He was the sort of person who let everything he felt show on his face. I felt a little guilty. Just a little. He had brought it all down on himself, after all. Kissing me like that, even after I'd said no.

I did say no. I didn't kiss him back. I didn't enjoy it. I did say no.

I shook my head. It wasn't working. No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I still knew that I hadn't really said no. I could've pushed him away if I'd wanted to. I was bigger and stronger than him, it would have been easy even with him making me go all weak and dizzy with his stupid kiss. But I hadn't. Even worse, I had reacted to it. His tongue was in my mouth and I reacted to it. And I don't mean just kissing him back, either. I mean... down there.

It was so embarrassing. I kept telling myself this was Gold I was dealing with- Gold. But that only seemed to make things worse. He was an idiot, sure. But he was also an idiot who loved me. Or thought he loved me. Or claimed he loved me.

He had volunteered to sleep on the couch, like he was doing me a favor, but to be honest I would rather have slept on the couch myself. I still hadn't mustered up the courage to get in my bed, after what happened last night. I couldn't help but wonder what Gold had been dreaming about for such a thing to happen. It might not have been anything. He was seventeen years old; a kid driven by hormones and lusting after sexual relief. I was pleased I had never been like that. But then, how could I with him trailing after me confessing his undying love left right and centre? It was enough to put a person off sex for life.

The conclusion I had came to was that the object of Gold's dream had been a girl, for quite a simple reason. That sort of dream, the sexual sort, was one that involved, well, sex. I had never experienced one myself, but I had looked it up on my laptop before leaving for work. Apparently they subconsciously expressed a strong desire to 'get to know' whoever the person in the dream may be. I wondered who Gold wanted to 'get to know'. Yellow? Nah, they hardly spoke any more. Sapphire? Well, he was out of luck there, everyone knew she was dating Ruby. Crystal? I bit my lip. It could be Crystal. He worked with her, after all. All that time alone together in a hot kitchen...

I suddenly felt a pang of anger in my chest. What?! Gold said he loved me, didn't he? So what was he doing having dream-sex with Crystal? She wasn't even that pretty, and let's face it, she wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. Sure, she was nice enough, but her downright weirdness overshadowed that completely. If you compared me and Crystal, it was obvious I was better, right?

I sat down gingerly on the bed, hating myself. The way I was acting, it was almost as if... as if I wanted his dream to have been about me. But that couldn't be right, not to mention impossible. Gold was a man, and so was I. Neither of us had what was necessary for people to have... intercourse. Some things just couldn't be done! So his dream couldn't have been about me. Unless one of us had been a female in it. I grew angry at the thought, and punched my pillow. How dare he envision me as a woman! I was more of a man that he'd ever be, damn it!

My bed didn't feel right underneath me as I lay down. I felt dirty just sitting on it; I couldn't bring myself to even try wriggling under the duvet, even though it was getting pretty cold just lying there in my boxers and T-shirt. It was like I was invading Gold's privacy somehow. I shuffled over to his side of the bed subconsciously, fiddling with the end of the covers nervously. Gold had done such a shameful thing right where I was laying. That dirty, embarrassing dream had taken place exactly where I was. To my horror I found that I was blushing, the horrible burning sensation spreading all down my neck and up to the tips of my ears.

It didn't look like I was going to get any sleep tonight.

I tried to talk it over with Blue the next day, but it was extremely difficult, for obvious reasons. She would consider me seriously insane if I told her a kiss had actually frightened me. And it did frighten me. A lot. Because I kissed back, and revealed in the feeling of weakness it gave to me.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverWhere stories live. Discover now