Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 4

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Silver's P.O.V

I don't know why I did it. Why, oh why, did I say he could stay? To say I regretted it would be an understatement, especially as I was now lying wide awake in bed for the second night in a row as Gold's snores rattled my windows. The whole idea of living together combined with all those sneaky little touches made me feel like Gold and I really were... lovers. Ugh, I can't believe I actually thought that word! Gold and me- when hell freezes over!

Now I'd have to be constantly on guard- how could I not be with Gold wandering around 24/7? With his uncanny ability to make me feel whatever the hell he wanted, I couldn't afford to show any weakness. And what about the touches? Gold wasn't above trying his luck with me. So far it had just been kisses and hands brushing against mine, but what if... I didn't even want to think about it!

It wasn't that I hated it when he kissed me. It was just that doing that sort of thing- with Gold no less- was awkward. And embarrassing. And so shameful. My stomach would clench and my head would grow light and my heart would start beating so loudly that I worried he might be able to hear. It was funny, really. I had endured the disappointment of my father, made it through school with no friends at all, even made it out of a five-against-one without a scratch- and yet I could be broken so easily with a simple touch.

I couldn't let myself open up to Gold. I didn't want to. I had known Gold for a long time. He got enthused easily, and lost interest just as quickly. One week he'd label something as his one true love and would be willing to go to the ends of the earth for it, and the next he would forget all about it and move on to something else. I didn't want to be just another of Gold's stupid crazes. I didn't want to fall in love with him and then have him throw me away.

I figured that if I kept pushing him away he would get bored and leave me alone. He hadn't gotten bored yet, but it was just a matter of time. Then I could get back to my own life. On my own. Alone.

The next morning was probably the earliest time Gold had had to get dressed since he was in school. He turned the place upside down looking for something appropriate to wear- he only had a single change of clothes with him since he hadn't got a chance to go back to Newbark and pack a suitcase.

"I'm borrowing your shirt," he shouted as he hopped around on one foot trying to pull his trainers on. "Thanks, Sil!"

"What?" I stormed out from the kitchen (and my breakfast) and into the hallway. The plain white shirt Gold had raises from my closet was one I hadn't worn since I was at most sixteen. He grinned at me sheepishly.

"Don't laugh," he said. "I'll be as thin as you in a few months!"

I raised my eyebrows skeptically. Thin wasn't the right word- skinny was more like it. Most of my bones looked ready to burst out from me, my rib cage could be seen through my chest and my hips jutting out horribly. The only part of me where any muscle was visible was my arms, but I was a lot stronger than I looked.

"Just get out," I muttered. Gold smiled. He craned his head up and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Love you," he said cheerily, then turned and was out of the door before even had a chance to yell something abusive after him.

I stood there in the middle of the hallway, staring at the empty space which Gold had just occupied and clutching my cheek. The place where he had kissed was tingling in such a horrible, girly way that I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. I slammed the door as hard as I could, and a crack appeared in the plaster of the ceiling.

"Idiot," I murmured. "Why should I believe you?" He only thought he loved me. He didn't. Not really. There was no such thing as love.

I didn't have to set off for work until quarter-to-nine, as my flat was so close to Goldenrod Department store. I took a long shower before then, doing the stupid lather-rinse-repeat sequence at least four times. When roughly drying off my hair I was pleased to see that my effort seemed to have finally paid off, and the sickening purple hue had gone from my hair. Now I only had to deal with people calling me 'ginger nut'.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverWhere stories live. Discover now