Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 7

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Gold's P.O.V

Silver went the the gym on Saturday mornings, which meant that I got the bed for a whole two hours from seven 'til nine. After a week of sleeping on a lumpy sofa, it was heaven. The blankets and pillows held the smell of expensive cologne and really cheap shampoo. I tipped the pillow on it's side and cuddled up to it, inhaling deeply and pretending it was Silver. I fell asleep pretending, and only woke up when I heard the Silver open the front door.

I rolled out of bed and quickly smoothed out the duvet as best I could. Then I shot across the room and started fumbling through the wardrobe, pretending to be looking for a shirt to wear. Silver walked in and gave me a funny look.

"What were you doing?" he asked.

"Hm?" I turned to look at him, my head tilted in confusion. "Looking for my clothes."

He didn't look completely convinced, but he didn't pursue the matter. I instead he stood in front of the window, watching the city come alive below as he brushed his hair briefly with his fingers. I crept up behind him and pressed the flat of my hand against the small of his back.

Silver's fingers froze, tangled in his mop of red hair. He carried on staring out of the window, though his eyes were bulging and his eyebrows had raised about an inch on his forehead.

"It's okay," I said quietly. "I won't do anything." Silver blushed then, a bright cherry red, and jerked his head away. His breathing was shaky, almost as if he was scared. But he didn't jump away, and he didn't push me back.

"I promise I won't do anything." I had to reassure him. I had to be slow and gentle. Approaching Silver was like approaching a wild deer; one false step, one wrong move and he would run for the hills.

I wanted to touch him more, to stroke his bare skin, press the dimples above him bottom, lower my hand and squeeze... I had to bite my lip. I couldn't let myself get carried away! Silver was already so embarrassed, if I pushed him any further I don't think he'd forgive me in a hurry. I had to move my hand away before I started thinking with something other than my head, and Silver breathed a sigh of relief when I did.

Over a minute later he was still breathing heavily, and I couldn't help but feel a little upset. Silver didn't react like that to anyone else touching him. I'd seen Blue go right up and hug him once or twice, on his birthday and at Christmas, and he hadn't tensed up or blushed at all. I was the only one who affected him so badly. It was only me. Why was it only me? Did he really harbour that little trust in me?

I wanted to make him more comfortable around me. That was why I had to go slowly, despite my wanting more.

Crystal had brought in a whole stack of yaoi mangas in for me to 'study' on Thursday, and since then I had been trying desperately to hide them from Silver, reading them while locked in the bathroom or late at night when he was sure to be asleep. I could read them with both eyes open now- as well as my nose almost glued to the page. It worried me to think that I was getting used to seeing such things, and even enjoying them. Though it pained me to say it, once I emerged from the unnervingly large amount of rape-love, I found that some of the stories were actually pretty good.

I was fairly certain by now that I had a more-or-less accurate idea on how to do 'it' with another guy... Not that I was eager to rush into anything, of course. I finally understood what Crystal had meant by 'roles' and was a little unsure about it. From what I had read- and I'd read more than any seventeen-year-old male should have- it was a given that the shorter of the pair would be 'bottom'. I was eleven inches shorter than Silver, that was almost an entire foot, but I was also heavier. Plus there were all other factors to consider, such as where to kiss and touch. Silver would hate me if I played with his body the way people did to each other in Crystal's mangas.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя