Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x Silver - 5

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Gold's P.O.V

Crystal and I were the only staff working there apart from Alan, the chef, and a spotty man in his mid-twenties who did the washing, drying and stacking. As such, we were on our feet almost all day. I dreaded to think how quickly Crystal must've had to work with no-one there to help her. The only break we got all day was a measly half an hour for lunch.

"So Gold," Crystal said, tucking into her suspicious-smelling sandwich with vigor, "where are you living now? Not in Newbark, obviously, since you're working here."

"Ah, well, I'm living in Goldenrod actually," I said between gulps of my water. I swallowed and took the bottle from my lips with a deep sigh of satisfaction. "With Silver."

Crystal tried to inhale her sandwich instead of swallow it, and broke into a coughing fit. I had to thump her on the back, and she hacked up a piece of orange, drool-covered bread. She made a face and flicked the offensive morsel onto the floor when Alan wasn't looking. Then she turned to me. "Silver?" she said in disbelief. "As in antisocial, talk-to-me-and-die Silver? How on earth did you manage that?"

I frowned, a little insulted. "I just asked if I could stay, and he said yes." Crystal raised her eyebrows.

"How drunk was he?" she asked.

"Not very!" I was very insulted now. What, she thought I had to fill him with alcohol before he would agree to letting me share his flat? He only had three pints- that wasn't that much! "For your information, I-"

"Oh!" Crystal exclaimed suddenly. "Ohh!" She leaped to her feet and brushed herself down, stuffing the rest of her sandwich into her mouth. Her eyes were locked to the growing queue at the counter. "He's here! How do I look?"

She was wearing bright yellow, short dungarees over a pink T-shirt that had one sleeve cut off. On her legs she wore red and white stripy tights, and on her feet she had hiking boots which looked at least two sizes too big. Her hair was in it's usual stiff style and huge lollipop-shaped earrings dangled at either side of her face. Her eyelids were coated with green eye-shadow.

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Great," I said. She beamed at me and skipped over to the counter.

"Excuse me, excuse me please, this man was here first," she said politely, beckoning the person at the back of the line to the front. I almost sighed with exasperation when I saw him. Of course. The only man more colourful than Crystal herself- Eusine. He was as flamboyant as I remembered him, wearing a bright purple suit and a matching white cravat. Yes, that's right, a cravat. Crystal had this silly, simpering expression on her face as he talked to her, pretending to chastise her for disregarding the other customers.

"Oh, aren't I a bad girl?" she said jokingly, pink in the face. She was leaning forward on the counter and swaying back and forth. "So, Eusie, have you seen today's menu? Is there anything you... desire?" She giggled deliriously and bobbed up and down on the spot, fluttering her green eyelashes. I wondered if she wanted to make herself any more obvious.

"Just a cup of tea for me today, Crystal my dear," Eusine declared, loud enough for the whole cafe to hear. "Suicune is proving to be especially elusive lately! I can't afford to waste any time."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find it soon..." Crystal tottered back into the kitchen and set about making Eusine's tea, adding all sorts of extra ingredients that I was sure she had memorized by heart. She zipped over to me before going back to the counter. "Do you think he noticed? The eye-shadow, I mean?" she whispered.

"Uh..." I couldn't very well say it would be impossible for him not to notice- she looked like a green panda. Thankfully she butted in before I replied.

Is this love real? (POKEMON) Gold x SilverOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant