The Scholar

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The tangy wine that surged heat up Yunara's face didn't help the burn she'd felt in her cheeks and the fluttering in her heart since Manuel kissed her. He kept looking at her from his seat across from her on the Fas' couch, his heated stare burning her into the seat.

They were enjoying treats native to Gaiza to go along with their wine in their lavish parlour. A servant brought a tray full of olives, grapes, and spicy cheeses. They were all bursting with flavor, and Yunara remembered that around this time of year was the height of the harvest season for them from her conversations with the castle's cook.

She thought about the last thing Manuel'd said before they were interrupted. Was he serious? Was he really willing to live in Caorfi rather than his luxurious manor in Spain? Was that even possible? What would become of his property and the servants? She felt fairly certain that he wouldn't leave them without work, but he would lose everything he worked so hard to have if he came to live on Caorfi. This was so different from the man she met when she first came to Earth, kind, but so stiff and unfeeling. And then later, rude and selfish. Had she really inspired this change in him, like he said?

As she reflected back on their conversation, she couldn't believe how open she felt with him. She'd never told her whole story to anyone but Cadri. And yet it felt so natural when she was with him. It was the first time she ever felt comfortable opening up to anyone because she always felt like a burden. But he didn't make her feel like a burden at all. He let his guard down to her for the first time, and she felt she could let hers down as well.

It seemed he really meant it when he said he loved her.

"Now then, about this scholar you're looking for." Jahlro popped an olive in her mouth with a hand decked with rings that twinkled in the soft light of the candles.

Yunara was snatched away from her thoughts. She had to concentrate on what they were there for.

"What exactly are you looking for? Here in Gaiza, we have many different kinds of scholars and philosophers with many different specialties. There are specialists in life, love, finances, trade, even some that are credited to predicting the future. Not to mention they cost a pretty penny."

"Actually," said Manuel. "We've heard of one in particular that they say is very good. Do you know anyone by the name Shi'ran?"

"You mean Shi'ran Dul?" Kindi's voice was startlingly deep, especially considering it was officially the second time Yunara had ever heard him speak. "He's been missing for weeks."

The room fell into dead silence.

Jahlro's dark eyes widened. "Oh, I hope that isn't what you came to Elven country for. Yes, it's quite mysterious. No one knows where he is or what happened to him."

The three of them could only look to each other in despair for lack of words. What would they do now? Did the Aracs get to him before they could? If they didn't find Shi'ran, it was all over. They would have come this far for nothing. There had to be a way to find him in time.

"Yes, quite," Kindi stroked his generous and white beard. "The only thing left of him anyone found–"

"That's right!" Jahlro's eyes suddenly lit up. "There was a note on his door that no one could figure out the meaning of. What did it say, Kindi?"

"I believe it said–"

"Ah, yes, now I remember. It's quite mysterious. 'When the silver begins to sing, the monkey will lead down the blazen road even better than a valiant steed.' Rather scandalous isn't it? Some believe he's made a retreat to gain more wisdom. Others think it might be some coded message to another scholar wise enough to decipher it. Some even think it's a clue for someone to rescue him. No one really knows. If you'd like, I can recommend other scholars–"

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