Scars: Part 1

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You were always cautious about what you wore in general, but now especially around Tyler, trying to hide the scars on your thighs from a darker time in your life. You were careful to not wear anything too short and were always pulling at the hem of your dresses and shorts making sure they hid your the part of your body you were most self-conscious about.

But tonight, tonight was different.

Tyler had picked you up from work and taken you out to the Dallas Farmer's Market. The night was perfect, but instantly you panicked when he asked if you wanted to come back to his house. You knew what he wanted, and you wanted the same, more than anything. Even though you had been dating Tyler for a few months you guys had never gone there, nothing more than a makeout session. It wasn't because you didn't find him attractive, because goddamn he was sexy. You were afraid, afraid of what would happen when he saw your legs.

Usually, after you told other guys they were out the door, calling you damaged and saying they just couldn't handle it. Tyler made you feel special, he was different than them. You could feel yourself falling for him. You just didn't want to let yourself get to close to him, as over the years you had become protective over your heart in order to lessen the pain that came with each heartbreak.

As his hand gently caressed your upper thigh, you knew you had to stop him.

"Woah," you breathed, breaking from the kiss. "Can we slow it down for a second."

"Yeah. I just-." He paused, not knowing the words to say. "Is it, is it me?" He asked.

"No, no. Tyler its not you, you're perfect." You were quick to reassure him, and you weren't lying. It wasn't anything he was doing, it was all you. You were deep in your head.

"I just." You stopped trying to choke back tears.

"Whatever it is you can tell me, (Y/N)." He told you, gently cupping your jaw, giving you a soft smile.

You lifted the hem of your dress up, exposing the scars on your legs. Tyler followed your eyes down to them.

"I um, in high school, I used to do this." His eyes looked up to meet yours. "I was just lost. I was so depressed all the time, and I didn't have anyone I could talk to. It just got so bad." You were full on crying now, as Tyler moved his hand up your face to wipe away your tears. "In college, I made really great friends, and started to take care of myself and I've been okay since then. I didn't want to put any of this on you, and if you want to leave now, I get it."

"(Y/N). I'm not leaving. Is that how other people have reacted?" He asked, afraid of the answer. You nodded.

"I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry you had to do go through that alone. But you won't have to ever again, and if you want to take it slow, then we'll take it slow, baby. I'm just so sorry I couldn't be there for you." He said as he leaned in to hug you.

You were shocked, any other guys would have just ended the night here taken you home and given you some bullshit excuse on why they couldn't see you anymore. In that moment, you fell in love with Tyler. You didn't know this, but in the same moment he fell in love with you as well.

He ended the long hug with a deep kiss. You pulled away, you had never felt more safe, then right here in his arms.

"Tyler." You said as he looked loving into your eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N)" He answered immediately, zero hesitation in his voice.

You leaned in for a kiss, which was quickly deepened as Tyler hugged you tighter, pulling you closer to him. As the kissing continued, you pulled at the hem of your dress, taking it off. Tyler pulled away from you.

"(Y/N), are you sure? We don't have to. I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you don't want to."

You answered him with a kiss.

"I want to Tyler."

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"Yes." A small laugh escaping from your lips, as you looked into his eyes.

Tyler gave you a quick kiss before moving on to your neck, gently kissing his way down your body. When he finally got to your legs he could feel your body tense up. He looked up at you before kissing each scar, being as loving and soft as he could be. As he did that, one hand resting on your hip, the other holding your hand, neverletting go.

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