I Hate You

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"(Y/N), you gotta block him."

Your face formed a sad expression as you looked up from your phone at your best friend Joe.

"I know- I just" You started to speak, but stopped. You had no reason for why you were still talking to Tyler. It had been almost a week since he stood on your doorstep trying to plead his case on why you should take him back. You were serious when you said things were done between the two of you, you had even done the awkward exchanges of boxes with the other person's stuff. You couldn't trust Tyler. He had lied to you, betrayed you, and essentially had broken your heart. There was no coming back from any of this.

"You cannot keep doing this to yourself." Joe said, taking a sip of his drink. "I know its hard, and I know you still love him, God knows why-" You shot him a glare. "It's just going to be easier for you to actually move on once you cut off communication with him."

You nodded agreeing with him. "I'm not trying to be a dick, but like, don't you want to be happy?" Joe asked you. You just sat there, head in your hands. Great, now you were going to cry in the middle of a bar. "Hey, no I didn't mean to make you cry, it's just- you deserve to be treated better than he treats you." He said as he reached out to gently rub your arm. You knew he was right and that was the worst part. So you knew you had to end all communications with Tyler, so you decided that that night would be the last time you contacted him.

At first, you ignored him, but he never truly got the hint. Tyler had been calling and texting you non-stop for two days, he had even sent you flowers, which you promptly threw away, before deciding to actually block him on your cell phone. Your thumb hovered over the touch screen for what seemed like forever before you finally crashed down onto it, sighing in relief. You thought it would induce some sort of negative reaction, but actually it felt good.

Over the next few days you started to feel better and better about your decision. You knew what you deserved, and it was more than Tyler could give you. Your friends tried to get you to come out with them, hit the town as you officially single, but the only thing you wanted to do was put on a face mask, binge Grey's Anatomy, and drink wine until you fell asleep, and besides you were nowhere near ready for a hookup let alone new relationship.

Everything was going great, key word- was.

Waking up to the familiar sound of your phone's ringtone was never good, especially when it happened at three in the morning. You looked down at the number, not recognizing it, you quickly clicked it off. Only for it to ring a second time. This time you are answering, ready to tell of whoever decided to call you at three in the morning, twice no less. Seriously, they must have a death wish.

"Hello?!" You yelled, annoyed.

"Hey (Y/N), I'm sorry t-" You didn't have time for this. "Who is this?" You asked.

"Oh sorry, this is Brandon, Tyler's friend, I need you to come get him."

"What?" Now you were pissed. "No. Tyler and I broke up. Didn't he tell you?" You asked, sitting up in bed, adjusting your pillow so that it was more comfortable.

"Yeah, he did." Brandon said, sighing. "He's really drunk, and he's kind of causing a scene. He won't leave without you. I'm sorry." He paused waiting for your response. You sighed. You shouldn't go, you knew you shouldn't. But, for some reason, Tyler still had a hold on you. "Fine, I'll come get him, but I am picking him up and dropping him off, and thats it." You made sure that you were making yourself clear. You weren't going to come in and tuck Tyler into bed or stay for one more drink, that really turned into five more drinks. You quickly asked Brandon for the name of the bar they were at before ending the call, throwing on an acceptable pair of sweatpants, some shoes and heading out the door.

You didn't even have to pull into a parking space, as Tyler was waiting outside the bar for you, his face lighting up as he spotted your car.

"(Y/N)!!!" He screamed. "Get in." You said, making no eye contact. He opened the door before sliding into the passenger's seat. You waited for him to get his seatbelt on before zooming out of the parking lot, you were getting this over with as fast as you could.

At first the ride was silent. Tyler, leaning his head back on the headrest before turning to stare at you. You were paying careful attention to the road, but you could feel his eyes through your skull, staring. His arm reached up to what you suspected was to play with your hair, but you quickly swatted it away.


"You're just so pretty." Tyler slurred.

"Tyler, stop." You said, refusing to look into his big brown eyes. "You cannot keep doing this to me." You were having trouble keeping it together.

"I know." He exhaled. "No you don't!" You yelled back at him. "If you did you wouldn't keep doing this to me! It's not fair! What do I have to do? Move?" You were screaming at this point, but you didn't care. You needed him to hear this. "Huh? Tell me, because at this point I'll fucking do anything not to feel like this anymore!" You finally turned to look at him. His head was in his hands. You couldn't tell if he was going to throw up or if he was crying.

"I know, okay? I know, and I'm fucking sorry." He was yelling at this point too. "But, I need you." He whispered.

You had come to red light, and Tyler grabbed your hand. "I need you. Please, baby. I love you." He said leaning in to kiss you. "I love you." He said, as your lips separated, your noses still touching. In that moment, you were his. You were ready to forget everything that had happened and jump into his arms again. But as you opened your eyes, you snapped out of it. "No!" You screamed. "I can't do this anymore with you! I can't! The back and forth is exhausting!" You were screaming and sobbing. Tyler just looked at you.

"What can I do make it better. Please. I'll do it. You name it." He was pleading desperately with you. You just shook your head, tears falling for your eyes. "Please! (Y/N), I love you!" He grabbed your arm. You turned to look at him quickly. Turning the steering wheel, you pulled over.

"Get out." You whispered. You were only a few blocks from his house and his neighborhood was extremely safe so you didn't feel bad about making him walk.

"No." He said, crossing his arms.

"Tyler! Yes!" You screamed. "You need to go." This time you didn't yell, you whispered, the tears spilling from your eyes. He turned to look at you again, his hand forming into a fist, as he paused and waited for you to change your mind.

But you never did.

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