You're My Favorite

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"Mama, can I go to Tyler's game tonight?" Callie, your daughter, asked you.

"I don't think so, it's way past your bedtime." You felt bad saying no, but it was way past Callie's bedtime and recently, she was having a lot of late nights

"But, I have to go for my report!" She exclaimed, from the back seat of your car.

"What report?" You asked.

"The one for school, I have to write about my favorite person and I'm gonna write about Tyler!" She said as she flashed her toothless grin. You knew that Callie had always liked Tyler. But you never knew the extent to which she adored him.

From the day you introduced her to him, after the two of you had been dating for a year, they had gotten along so well. Callie's father hadn't been involved in her life, so Tyler had taken on that role, with ease. Two months ago, after three years of dating Tyler proposed. He didn't just buy you a ring, but he bought one for Callie too. He committed himself to the both of you.

"Callie, why didn't you tell me about this until right now?" You asked her, frustrated.

"I forgot." She said lightly smiling.

"Can you interview him at home?"

"No. I have to go to work with them." She said.

"We can go for the first period, okay." You sighed, and she cheered. "Callie, I'm serious. That's it."

"We're home!" Callie screamed as the two of you walked through the door, flinging her backpack on the ground.

"Callie, come back here and pick this up!" You called after her.

"There's my girl." Tyler said, greeting you with a kiss.

"Ahem." Callie said, her hands on her hips looking at you and Tyler.

"Excuse me, my girls." He said, bending down to give Callie a hug. "How was school?"

"Good. I only got one wrong on any spelling test."

"Great job!" He said, sticking his hand up to give her a high five.

"Guess who's coming to your game tonight?" She asked, looking up at Tyler.

"You?" Tyler asked, looking up at you, knowing your no games on school nights rule. You and Callie nodded, giving him a look letting him know that you would explain later. "Remember, we are only staying for the first period." She rolled her eyes.

"If you roll your eyes one more time there will be no game. Now go and get you homework done." She threw her head back before dragging her backpack into the kitchen. "I'll be there to help in a minute to help!" Tyler called after her.

"Breaking the rules I see." He looked at you. "It's for school." You responded.

"Right." He said. "School." Before making his way to the kitchen to help Callie with her homework. "She's nine, what do you think she's pulling?" You called to him, to which he responded with a smile.

Taking your seats at the AAC, where the Stars played, Callie clad in her in Seguin jersey, pink notebook in hand- ready to take notes.

"Baby, what are you taking notes on, the way he plays?" You asked her. She nodded, scribbling down words into her notebook.

"Ya, I have to write about what he does at work."

"Callie! You know what he does at work there was no reason for us to come tonight!" You scolded. She smirked. "I really did have to go to work with him." She said, trying to defend her case. You just gave her a look. Not just a look, though, the look. The look she got when she knew she was in trouble. But, since you weren't one for public scenes, you decided to let it wait until the morning. Thankfully, the rest of the first period was pretty uneventful, except for the goal Tyler scored during the first minute, which gave Callie something to write about.

You stood at the kitchen counter, packing Callie's lunch for school, when she came into the kitchen. She sat down on one of the stools in front of your kitchen island, before pouring herself a bowl of cereal form the box you had set out in front of her.

"Callie." You said. "No more games for the rest of the month."

"What! Thats no fair! You told me I could go to one this weekend."

"That was before you tricked me into letting you go to one on a school night." You reminded her. She opened her mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted by Tyler. "Cal, listen to your Mom." He said, taking a seat on the kitchen stool next to her, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Why did you even let her go last night?" He asked you.

"She told me she had to go write a report about you for school, but she definitely could have done it off of past experiences." You emphasized as you made eye contact with a still pouty Callie.

"What was the report on?"

"It was on you!" Callie said, looking up at Tyler.

"Me?" He asked.

"I had to write about my favorite person, and my favorite person is you." She said, as she took the last bite of her cereal before getting up and putting the empty bowl in the sink. She then went upstairs to grab her backpack.

You stood there looking at Tyler, who was speechless. He looked like he was going to cry, his overcome with a emotion, but still at the same time.

"Babe." You said getting his attention. "Are you okay?"

"Ya, I just, I don't even know what to say. I never knew she felt that way about me."

"Is that a good thing?" You wondered, your voice tapering off.

"Its the best." He whispered. "Hey, I know we haven't even set a date yet, but when we get married, I want to adopt her. I want us to be a family, officially." He said walking over to you. You froze, and he realized what he said may have not come off the right way. "No, I mean we are a family, I just-" You stopped him with a kiss.

"I would love that."

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