Scars: Part 2

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It had been a year and a half since you had told Tyler about the scars on your thighs, and with each day you had fallen more and more in love with Tyler. He helped you forget about your scars and feel more comfortable in your skin than you ever had before. In that time, you had grown closer to Tyler's teammates and their girlfriends and wives. With the bye week coming up a lot of you had decided to take a trip to Mexico.

At first you were excited. Then, your excitement turned into worry and nervousness. You knew you would have to be in a bathing suit in front of other people. With Tyler you were fine, but being that exposed around other people, people you were just getting close to, that worried you. You instantly started to think about what you could do about them, what your options were to conceal them and still be able to enjoy your trip.

Doing what you always did when you were stressed, you started to make a list, a list of how you could hide your scars but not have people ask questions. You could cover them with makeup, but then you wouldn't be able to go swimming. As more and more possible solutions ran through your head you felt a kiss placed upon your cheek.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Tyler said, looking down at the list you were making.

"Nothing. It's nothing." You smiled trying to hide the stress shown on your face.

"(Y/N)." He said taking a seat next to you on the couch, putting his hand on yours. "You can tell me."

"I'm going to have to be in a bathing suit in Mexico." You exhaled.

"Whats the problem? You're literally the hottest girl." He smiled.

"Tyler, its not that. Its my scars." You said and he nodded, understanding now why you were worried.

"Okay. Well, I want you to do whatever you're comfortable with. If you don't want to get in a bathing suit you don't have to and if you don't want to go we don't have to do that either."

"Tyler, you're so excited to go, you love Mexico! We're going! I want to go, I'm just nervous." You said trying to put him at ease.

"Well, just know that you'll look beautiful in whatever you wear, and I'll kick anyone's ass who says differently." He chuckled before giving you a soft kiss.

As the days before your trip dwindled, Tyler's support of you grew and you became more comfortable to lounge on the beach in your coverup.

It wasn't until you had arrived in Mexico when your confidence faded.

You were talking with the other girls when you started to hear Tyler get frustrated behind you.

"Keeping (Y/N) all covered up. Huh, Segs?" One of his teammates, who's you couldn't distinguish laughed.

"Shutup." Tyler said, annoyed by the comment.

"Someone's defensive." Another voice that you couldn't particularly distinguish said.

"Shut your mouth, it's none of your business." Tyler answered, angry now.

"Relax, Ty, all I did was ask a question."

No one else mentioned what had happened for the rest of the day and you didn't want to draw more attention to the situation by addressing it. So, you waited until later that night when you and Tyler were back in your room snuggled up to one another watching TV, his arm protectively wrapped around your shoulders.

There was nowhere else you felt safer.

"Ty." You said as his eyes widened looking down at you.

"Thank you for defending me today on the beach."

"Of course, baby." He said.

"I just- I just don't want you to isolate yourself from the team, when you do defend me though, those bonds are important."

"(Y/N), nothing is more important to me than making sure you feel safe and comfortable, those bonds are important on the ice, but off of it- you come first. Every time."

You didn't answer him you just snuggled up closer to him leaning up to his soft lips and placing a long but gentle kiss on his lips.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He said, your noses brushing up against one another's.

"I love you too, Tyler."

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