Our Baby

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"How's my boy doing?" Tyler asked, crouched down so that he was eye level with you stomach, placing a kiss on it. You rolled your eyes at the words coming out of his mouth.

"Tyler we don't even know it's a boy yet, you're jinxing it."

"What do you mean?"

"You keep calling the baby a 'him,' which I guarantee you that means that the baby is going to be a 'her.'" He didn't even look at you, refusing to listen to what you were saying, it was no secret that Tyler really wants your first born to be a boy. Not just that, a boy who he would teach to play hockey. Even though you made him promise to you, before the two of you got married, that your children would allowed to pursue whatever activities they wanted in life, within reason, it was all he talked about. That and how the two of them would spend summer days at your lake house, on the boat going fishing or swimming.

"I'm sorry I won't be there with you when you check up on our boy." That was the hardest part about being pregnant during the season, is that Tyler missed many of you doctor's appointments due to his practice/game schedule. You tried to schedule them for when he could be there, but it wasn't always doable, and your appointment tomorrow was a biggie.

"It's okay." You said, as he pulled you into his arms, his eyes widening, trying to get you to be honest. "It is, really, I get it. I'll face time you after to tell you, okay?" He nodded before kissing you softly.

The next morning you kissed Tyler goodbye as he boarded the plane for a quick 20 hour road trip to Arizona, before you headed to your doctor's office. With every appointment your excitement grew, the anticipation of holding your child in your arms mounting. You were relieved that everything was normal, but you were a little nervous to find out that your baby was a girl. While you were ecstatic, having had the best relationship with your mother growing up, you couldn't wait to form a bond with your own daughter, but then your mind went to Tyler.

He was so excited to have a boy, and you were nervous about how he would take the news that the two of you would be having a daughter. His heart was so set on having a boy, and the last thing you wanted to do was upset him. The worst part was, you told him you were going to FaceTime him with the news on what the sex of the baby was, but you knew this needed to be an in person chat now. So, you sent him a text telling him good luck for his game tonight and that everything with the baby was where it should be, but that you were really tired so that you would give him the details in the morning when he got home.

Tyler's plane didn't land until three in the morning and even though the only thing he wanted to do was to talk to you about your doctors appointment, he knew better than to wake up a sleeping pregnant woman. And, when the two of you woke up in the morning, it was the first thing he wanted to talk about.

"Good morning, baby." Tyler said walking into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist, keeping his hands gently pressed to your growing tummy. "How was your doctor's appointment, you never told me."

You spun around in his arms so that the two of you were face to face. Instantly your face turned sour and he knew something was off. "Whatever it is, just tell me okay?"

"We're having a girl."

"What." He almost whispered, his eyes glazing over, like he was about to cry before he was snapped back into reality by the look that was still on your face. "That's what you were so afraid to tell me?" His eyes grew wide, as his arms loosened around you.

"Yeah." You sighed. "Well I just knew how much you wanted a boy and-" You were cut off by the feeling of his lips on yours, kissing you tenderly but still with the gentle touch he always displayed for you. This kiss, much like a lot of the kisses the two of you shared, wasn't just a kiss. The swift movement put every single fear and stress you had been carrying since the previous afternoon to bed.

"I will love our baby no matter what it is." He stressed. "And, ya, of course I wanted a boy, but the thought of a mini you?" He continued, a smile growing on his face which was still close to yours. "How could I not be excited about that."

"Really?" You asked, still skeptical despite everything he had told you.

"Really." He smiled. "I hope she has your eyes." He said, thinking out loud. You smiled.

"We're having a baby girl." He whispered, an overwhelming sense of pride and emotion washing over him.

"We are." You replied, nodding. Quickly pulling himself together, he changed the topic. "You must be starving, let's make breakfast." He said, walking over to the refrigerator.

"You know what this means right?" His head snapped back at you, giving you a look that confirmed that he had no idea what you were talking about.

"We're just going to have to keep trying for a boy." You smiled which led to him walking back over to you and subsequently pulling you in for a kiss.

"Why wait?" He asked, before picking you up and carrying you back upstairs into your bedroom, the both of you erupting in a fit of giggles.

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