Date with Lucifer

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Ok I'm ready!" I say as I walk out and hop into Niks car. I place a hand on the necklace L got me and breath in sharply before looking back at Nik.

   "Wow you look amazing." He says and kissed me on the lips. He pulls back and I smile softly when I see some of my lipstick stained on his lips.

   "Hey you got some lipstick on you." I say and wipe it off gently with my thumb. He grasps my hand and stares into my eyes and I stare back. He smiles at me and I feel nothing like I normally do. Usually I would feel butterflies and my stomach knot up but all I feel is emptiness. I look down and he tilts my head back up.

   "You look amazing tonight." He says and I just look at him unaffected.

   "Thank you. You too Nikolai." I say and he pulls off and drives to the place. It takes about forty minutes and the ride was silent. I didn't feel awkward but I was thinking of someone else when I was with my boyfriend.

   "We're here." He says and I gasp. It's a fancy resturaunt that just opened.

We go to a small podium where a lady with beauty to compare stands behind it. Her eyes silver as she looks at Nikolai and her hair long blond and fair. Her skin a cream color and pink lips that turn upwards into a smile as we walk up.

"Hi may I help you?" She says and even her voice is beautiful. Nik says his name and we are taken to our table. On one wall it's filled with booths facing towards the center of the room. Stoves sit in front of it and a large aquarium behind us with tiny sharks and seahorse and rainbow fish as they swim around. We sit at the far end and the lady hands us out menus. She looks at me and I slightly gasp as I thought I saw a hint of purple around her pupils but it was so small I think I imagined it.

   Me and Nik look over our menus as drinks are brought to us and my necklace glows a soft blue. I look at it puzzled and the waiter leaves as we sip our drinks. I looks back down and sigh as the gem is now clear with no glow in it. We sip our drinks and suddenly a voice rips through the silence and I look up shocked.

   "Hi I'm your personal chef today do you know what you to want tonight?" Lucifer says and I frown before sighing.

   "Do you know what you want?" Nik asks and I nod. Lucifer comes back over and takes our menus while he brings us drinks. He comes back with buckets of sea food.

   'What are you doing here.' I say in my mind knowing well Lucifer can Here me.

   'I just wanted to meet mister we've been dating for a year now.' He says back to me and I roll my eyes as he begins to cook. He's actually a pretty good cook.

   'How did you know we were dating for a year!' I say and he smirks as he breathes a chuckle.

   'I have my ways' he says and I groan to myself as he starts to cook. His cooking is amazing. He flips food perfectly as the flames rise and fall. He would tosses the food up and with his knives then catch the knives again by the handle and the food would fall perfectly on it as the flames rose and cooked it.

   "Are you having fun?" Nik says and kisses me on the cheek. I look over at L and see he's not paying attention and continues to cook.

   "Yeah it's amazing. Thank you babe." I say and a little flame ignites from the stove startling me. Nik smiles and looks at the food while I glare at Lucifer.

Lucifer's obsession Where stories live. Discover now