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   "No stop!" I say as it shows pictures from when me and Lucifer spent our first night together. The projector keeps going and a couple more photos pop up.

"Stop." I say and it stops on one. It's of me sleeping on the bed in the early morning and the light is showing throw the window at me. Behind me is Lucifer who's arm is wrapped around my waist and his head buried in my neck as we sleep. I print that one and close the projector.

"I think it's time." I say and take the two bags I packed. It was clothes and necessities in one bag and the other was packaged food for me to eat. I hop into my car and start driving to who knows where. I listen to music and sing along as I drive down the road.


I've been driving for seven hours and I made it to another state already. I sigh and take the photos from my back pocket out and look them over. I smile and sigh as I lay my arm on the side of my body and stop at a cheap motel. I change into pjs and go under the covers. It's no hope as I can't fall asleep. Nothing is wrong I just can't go to sleep. I sit up angrily and go to take a cake out of my back. I take a smoke bomb out and eat it as my worry's disappear.

"It's like heaven on my tongue." I say and laugh pathetically as I realize where the treat even came from an idea pops up in my mind.

"Gem." I say and grab in my bag to get a gem. I pull it out and place it on my head. I grab my cloak from Impuis and my pouch around my waist.I close my eyes and think of heaven and tap my gem twice just for good luck.

Here I go!" I say and I start to levitate as I slowly disappear into thin air. I can feel myself slowly reappear into a warm atmosphere and I hear soft music. Play in the background. I open my eyes and look around.

"Oh my gosh!" I say and look around I laugh softly as I look around. It's just like hell but brighter. The sky is blue and the suns shining brighter. The streets are just like hells and the shops are too but the colors are a little brighter. Ladies and gentlemen walk around as if it's the 1900s. Women wear nice gowns and men wear full suits. I latch my cloak so now my clothes aren't that easy to see. People walk around with halos on their head white wings. I gasp and look at my reflection in the window. I quickly think for my horns to be gone and the slowly disappear. A sigh of relief hits over me and I walk around.

"This place is alright!" I say and look around. I notice people are staring at me and I look down to see my clothes look different from theirs. I take out a box and go to a back alley.

"Man even their back alley is nice." I say and change there. I open the box and the clothes ingulf me. I look down at myself and smile. It's not exactly like there's but it's my fit. It was a pastel blue dress with an off shoulder top. The bottom half was blue and has a frilly white under part that barely shows. Of course I have no shoes. I say and face palm myself. The dress ended around the knee but I didn't care. I place my hair in a high ponytail and grow it to around my behind.

"I'm getting really good at this changing stuff!" I say and quickly clap to myself. I fold up my clothes and look around to find no where to put it and I pout. Than an idea hit me.

"Gem can you put my clothes on my bed in the motel and have the cloak fit in my bag or is that not possible?" I say and the gem glows.

I am capable of doing that miss. It says and the items disappear. I smile and walk out of the alley. I immediately bump into someone and fall on the soft grown. The man chuckles and picks me up and I stand up properly looking down at myself .

"I'm so sorry I'm new here!" I say and dust myself off while looking up. My eyes grow big as I see the figure infront of me. A tall dark man stood there. He had short black curly hair and welcoming hazel eyes. His build as large as Lucifer's and his smile wide. He was handsome with chiseled jaw and a built body. His voice deep and rich and everything about him screams handsome.

Lucifer's obsession Where stories live. Discover now