Just a nightmare

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'How did this happen?' I say in my head as I look around. The town is on fire as buildings crumble. Demons running and screaming as they run in terror. I run around town looking for something to help with when I spot the two orphans. Both of the trying to get someone attention until they spot me.

"Miss! It's Lucifer he needs help!" The little boy says and I nod. They dash in a straight line to Red and I follow. There in the distance I see Lucifer being brought out of a pond. His eyes closed and another tear rolled down my damped cheek. I run past the kids and to Red. His body cold.

"He fell in the pond and needs CPR! We can't do it since we don't breath anymore! You need to open your mouth and help him!" Lilith says and I nod. I inhale sharply through my nose and look at the kids and stop when I notice. Their eyes all white as they smile at me wickedly. I look back down at Red who isn't moving.

'Wait... Lucifer is already dead...wasn't he just flying over a pond to get to a fallen angel. Why is he in town... then...' I think and look around. No one else is next me now except the kids and Red. I look at my hands to see tiny bubbles around them.

"What are you waiting for!" The girl says and I stand up. I look around and then look up. I cover my eyes slightly and see ripples in the sky. I'm still in the water! I look at the kids as they look at me hungrily and I go to touch one but they jump back. I turn and go to touch Red but my hand slips right through him.

'It's not real!' I think and spread my wings. I use my wings to swim upwards and the light gets brighter until it's blinding. My head reaches the surface and I gasp for air. I look around to see Red. He immediately grabs me and pulls me out the water. I choke on the water slightly and my vision goes black.


"Hmmm...." I say and sit up. I look around to hear a crackle sound and see nothing but darkness behind me. I look infront of me and gasp when I see Lucifer sitting across a fire. He stares into the fire and looks up at him.

"Glad your up." He says and looks back at the fire. I feel my whole body heat and look down to see I'm in nothing but underwear and a bra. I gasp and cover myself with my hands.

"What happened?" I say and he sighs before closing his eyes and tilting his head up. He opens them again and there's a mix of purple and silver as he walks over towards me. That's when I realize he was shirtless and only had on underwear.

"You fell into a river and nearly drowned. When you fall into a pond like that your only in there for a couple seconds but in your mind it could take hours. So when you popped up still breathing I realized you didn't lose and took you out of the water." He says and looks back at me with purple eyes. I look down at my lap and sigh through my nose. I feel him sit behind me and scoop me up as I lay in his lap.

"Uh wha-" I say as I blush but he stops me and starts to heat up. I sigh and relax in his lap as I place my head in his neck and sit in his comfortable lap.

"So hot." I say and he chuckles slightly as he relaxed.

"You blacked out after I pulled you out and we flew to our check point. It takes two days to get to a fallen angel. When I got to this cave I set you down and took your clothes off so you wouldn't be wet and cold when you woke." He says and I look around.

"Where are my clothes than?" I say and look back at him.

"I transported them to the kingdom and left you bag here. It has more treats now so don't worry about starving. There should be three small cardboard like boxes in your pouch. I looked in your bag and it seems you didn't open one yet." He says and tossed me my bag. I open it up and rummage through until my hand grasped two boxes. I pull them out and gush.

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