Rotten egg

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"We're doing everything you want today!" I say with jazz hands and he looks at me surprised. He then breaths a small smile and looks down at me.

"You don't have to. I'm okay with just staying in hell." He says and looks at me with a warm and kind smile. I could blatantly see he was upset by the color of his eyes and the fake smile.

   "Mikey I already said I would. Let me do something nice for you ok? Besides we could use some time for you to catch up on this generation." I say and shrug. He looks up thinking and shrugs aswell.


It's finally our turn in line and we take two burgers. We take our order and walk outside eating them and looking around.

"So where to first sir?" I say and he laughs slightly as he bit his burger.

"Please don't ever call me sir again." He says jokingly and looks around the shops. I chuckle at his joke and a hint of silver with blue flashed from somewhere.

"Let's just walk around first. I don't even know half of these shops or what they sell here." He says and I shrug as we finish our burgers.

"Oh by the way I don't know if you know this. Since you live in the castle you can go to earth but you need me, Lucifer, or Impuis to escort you here. You don't even have to stay with them, you can just go around by yourself." I say and he nods. We throw away our trash and walks around the strip looking at the shop windows. Mikey stops and stares into the window of one of the shops and I turn around.

"What are you looking at?" I say and he smiles looking at the item behind the window. It was a cute little nicknack shop with trinkets and merchandise. I open the door and he snaps his head towards my direction.

"Let's go look inside." I say and he shoves his hands in his pocket while looking down at the ground.

"It's ok we don't have to. We can just walk around more." He says and I grab his hand dragging him in the shop before me. I was about to close the door when suddenly I feel as if two eyes are burning into the back of my head. I turn around to see no one there. I look around before shrugging and walking into the shop.

"This is amazing." I say and look around. There were little old toys and clothes from the old days.

"Before I died, I would visit a lot of places because I loved to travel. Well when I did I would take an item to remember the time I spent only in the places I liked." He says and sets down a wooden toy. It was a little wooden frog and stick. It was made to sound like a frog when you run the stick against its back. We look around more until we're in the clothes section.

"Hey there's an ocean near by, want to buy a bathing suit and go swimming later?" I say and hold up a pair of men's trunks with rubber duckies in it. Mikey looks up and snorts a laugh as he bends over.

"Sure if I don't have to wear those." He says and we both laugh to each other. We go through the bathing suits and Mikey stops on one and picks it up. I look over and it's trunks that go to the knees. The top was white while the middle was black and the bottom part of the trunks were red. They even had a string on them to adjust the size.

"I'm going to try these on I'll see you after I'm done." He says and I nod. I look the racks until I stop a swim suit I like. It was a wine red two piece. The bottom half was simple and had strings on the sides to adjust the size. The top half had a regular bra like shape with three strings that went from one side of the cup to the other side. I smiled and went to go to the changing room waiting for Mikey. On queue he comes out with the trunks in hand and looks down at my outfit.

"Are you getting that?" He says and I nod. We hold our swim suits in hand and look around more. We decide to take some shades and Mikey suddenly stops when he sees something.

"No way!" He says and picks up a pair of roller skates. They're kind of dusty but Mikey doesn't seem to minds.

"What is it?" I say and he smiles looking down at the skates as if they're a priceless treasure.

"These went on sale when I was alive!." He says and dusts them off. I look over and see another pair of roller skates and smile. I take the girls pair and pick out the in line ones. Mikey looks in my hands and his smile spreads ear to ear as if he's a child on Christmas getting a new bike.

"Let's go check out before it gets late." I say and he smiles. I check the time and it's already 1:36pm. I decided to get a little nicknack to remember this. I got a necklace with a small Polaroid at the end and bought a funny little charm for Mikey. It was a jar the size of my palm with a black liquid. The sticker read demons tears. I thought it would be funny since we are both demons and know tears don't look like this. I shove the items in my pouch and decided to give Mikey his gift later. I wanted it to be a surprise. We exit through the door and I take our bathing suits and we walk to the beach. There's tints to change in and we both enter ones next to each other.

"This is really cute!" I say as I look over my outfit. The bikini fit me perfectly and it made my skin look more tanned. I walk out the dressing room and a chill runs down my spine. Suddenly I hear a whisper noise loudly and look around to see no one around.

"" it's says in a rather breathy tone. My body froze. The breathing continues and I become slightly fearful. There's not much people here. It's mostly people in there twenty's hanging with each other and they aren't too close for me to even hear them. The whispering suddenly stops and I hear a voice behind me clear as day.

"Wow." It says and I turn around to see Mikey. I smile and look down only to immediately spot a small red mark on his torso. It's possibly a mark from his trans

"Are you ok?" He says and I shake my head trying to recollect myself.

"Yeah. Oh!" I say and looks up at his head. I reach in my pouch and take out a string powder and sprinkle a little on his head.

"What are you doing?" He says and dust the powder away slightly as I put it back in my bag.

"Your horns were starting to show. I sprinkled a string powder on so they wouldn't show for a while." I say and he nods. He looks down at my body and smirks.

"I didn't know you were a tattoo kind of girl." He says and folds his arms. I look down at what he's looking at and notice the upside down cross Lucifer put on me when I first started seeing him around.

"Yeah he gave it to me before I turned demon. He also gave me these." I say and lift up my hair showing my back and my neck. He goes to tap it but I retract.

"They're not regular tattoos. They're spell marks. The one on my back summons Red." I say and his eyes go wide as he hears what I said.

"Thanks for stopping me." He says. I nod and smirk at him as he tilts his head in curiosity. I run up to him and poke his chest.

"Let's go to the shore line. Last one in is a rotten egg." I say and run towards the ocean. Seconds later I hear footsteps and look behind to see Mikey runnings towards me.

"How old are you." He says and picks up the pace. He runs past me as a smirk plays on his lips and he laughs. I smirk and slow down as he reaches the shore line. He runs a little past it and he's knee deep in the water. I run full force and push Mikey in the water face first. He completely falls in the water and I laugh bending over as I can't breath anymore.

"Ahh!" I scream.

Hey guys!!!

So sorry I haven't been publishing lately;(
I've been sick for about a week now and I've also been in school so I'm drained

I may have also been working on other books and got caught up in writing the others I forgot this one😅😅

Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next time


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