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"That's better now I c-" I was stopped in my tracks to see a man with dirty blond hair in front of me. His face peppered with freckles and glowing hazel eyes. A tear leaves my eyes as I look at the man infront of me.

"Nikolai is Adonai..." I say and cover my mouth. This can't be. The light projector is showing me a video of Nikolai with white angel wings soaring the sky. I look outside and notice it's just as dark as it is in the projection. I softly cry as I back up slowly looking down. I was about to ask something else when a voice pops up.

"Afriel will you still love me even after I take the forbidden fruit?" Nik says. His eyes suddenly change a bright silver and a lady angle appears. Her beauty is mesmerizing. She has long silky waving golden hair. Her eyes emeralds and her skin fair and perfect. Almost like a porcelain doll. She was thin and busty. Her smile fair and white against her soft pink lips. Along with her blushing cheeks and white glowing dress showing her thin waist complimented with a golden rope around her waist.

   "She's the waiter at the restaurant with me and Nikolai..." I mutter as I look at the projection.

"I don't know Adonai... I might still love you." She says playfully her eyes also glowing a bright silver as she spoke. Even her voice is angelic. She stops mid air and stands in the air as he stops and flys closer to her.

"Come on... she doesn't mean anything. She's just the pure one that will help us prosper. Once I have her fruit I will forget her and we will be together forever ok?" He says and she bites her lip looking down.

"Hey isn't that her house? Why don't you drop by and try to swoon her more and try to get her fruit. It would be easier if you take it by force though Adonai. I want to be with you and I don't want her hogging your time." She says and he nods.He holds her hands before kissing her lips and pulls away. He holds out a hand and a phone appears. He types something on it and I jump once my phone rings. I jump to it and look at who's calling. My heart breaks once I see it's Nikolai. I sit up straight and answer the call.

"Nik? Why are you calling me?" I say and the last word cracks in my voice. I look at the projector and see he winks at the other angel.

"Oh I was on my way to your bakery and saw you weren't there so I grabbed your favorite treat and wanted to see if I could come over?" He says and I hesitate.

"Ok but give me like five minutes." I say and hang up. I look back at the projector and see him smiling ear to ear.

"So what did she say?" Afriel says and he crosses his arms proudly.

"We might win this tonight." He says and she hugs him before she disappears. A couple more tears leave my eyes as I look at Nik with his white wings. His cocky smirk on his lips as he punches the sky. I shake in sadness and I tap my gem. The projector is off and I take another cake. I sigh and reach on my bag hoping for a reverse potion. I sigh in relief once I find a couple more bottles. I read the first one with a pink liquid in it.

To change a persons desires and make them tell the truth of unruliness consequences. Add this in a drink and let the host drink up. So it's a truth telling potion huh? That could come in handy. I take the next potion that's a light purple and read it.

To seek a place of the dead and flash in a second. Chant the place you wish to be beside and drink half the jar. So this one will take me to someone that is not living or to a place like heaven or hell. I don't think I'll need that one sometime soon. I take out the black potion and read what that says.

To revert any changes physically say your full name three times and imagine yourself before the curse. Drink in one go and you shall revert back. Found it. I read the instructions carefully again and say my full name along with the image of myself and my tattoos on myself. I drink the potion and feel light headed as I finish the potion. I stumble backwards and fall on my bed. A pain rips in my stomach and head as I can feel my body heat up.

"Ughhhh!" I say and close my eyes tightly. The pain starts to subside and I open my eyes slowly. I get up stumbling and walk over to the mirror holding my head. I look over and see I'm back to normal. Even my tattoos are there. I look down at the floor and see a small black gem. I gasp and pick it realizing it's the gem from my head.

If you wish to return as a demon place me on your forehead again. I smile and suddenly hear a doorbell ring. I placed the gem on my desk. I jolt and grab shorts and a sweater covering my back. I run downstairs with a bag of treats and open the door.

"Hi babe." Adonai says and I smile smally. He walks in and looks at me up and down.

"Hey what's wrong it looks like you were crying?" He says and goes to cup my face but I lean back. He looks at me confused and I shake my head.

"Sorry I'm ok though. Just a small headache." I say and he smiles. He hands me my treat and I take it. I eat it infront of him and take a cake from my bag and placed it in the microwave. I place it on ten minutes and turn around to see him shocked.

"Aren't those treats going to burn?" He says and I shake my head smirking.

"No my friend told me to cook them this long so I am." I say and his eyes grow a little wide.

"What was the name of that friend of yours?" He says and I smile widely at him closing my eyes slightly. I know he knows where those cakes come from.

"Oh my friend Red. I've talked to him recently and he said he has no intentions of dating me knowing I have a boyfriend so you don't have to worry." I say sweetly as I see his reaction shift. He looks down and his eyes are slightly hidden by his hair. I hear a small chuckle and slightly gasp as he looks back up with his eyes purple and ice cold.

"What color eyes did you friend have again?" He says and I think for a second before responding.

"They were hazel with a little bit of green." I say and nod. He clenches his fists and a small whimper leaves my lips. He noticed it and calms himself before he walks over to me. His eyes green again as he looks down at me.

"You would never cheat on my would you?" He says and I look up at him shaking my head. I cup his face and kiss him on the lips. I pull away and feel him place his hands on my waist. He effortlessly sits me on the island and placed his waist between my legs and I'm trapped. I feel the tension in the room grow thick as he looks back at me with a playful smirk. If I didn't know what his motives were I would have thought this smirk was friendly. Now I see him and his eyes cold as they look down at me. His smirk sending a shiver down my spine.

"Will you prove it to me?" He says and I tilt my head. I don't know how long I can keep this act up.

"How should I prove my love to you Nik?" I say and he leans in as his face is inches away from mine.

"Give me your forbidden fruit please?" He says and my eyes widen but I quickly collect myself.

"What do you mean my forbidden fruit?" I say and he leans back. He places his hands on my things and all I want is for him to leave me alone and never touch me. I feel a small spark on my back and a warm sensation.

"I mean your virginity. We've been together for over a year. Is it to much to ask for? It will give me strength and power of my love if you could." He says and my brows furrow. So the forbidden fruit is my virginity. I freeze for a second when I realize something. Lucifer knew I was a virgin and when I told him he knew that I was nervous and scared so he must have wanted to wait until I was ready. Why would he wait when he knew I was wrapped around his fingers at that moment? I say and look back at Adonai.

"Nik you know I'm no-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. He placed a hand on the back of my head and tilts his head deepening the kiss. I tried to push off of him but all I could do was pull my lips away from his.

"Nik What the hell are you doing?" I shout and he smiles.

"Well I think I waited long enough for this and you owe me." He says and kisses me again. I try to push off this time but it didn't work. All I wanted was for him to stop touching me. As I said that a giant electrical shock runs through my body and Adonai is bounced off of me. He falls back to the sink and a gasp leaves my lips. He looks at me with purple eyes and shock held in them. A small cut on his lips as he looks me up and down.

"What was that!"

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