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Natalias p.o.v
I giggled softly entering my home thinking back at Layla's ugly breast sagging as she showed the whole school them, I make my way up the staircase, I felt bad for Kyle. Layla was the dumb blond out the group, Bennett was the stoner, Asher was the anti social, and I was just the broken girl who tried to look perfect. I opened my bedroom door seeing the Christmas lights still on , my teddy bear sitting in the middle of my white bed surrounding by other pillows. I sighed slowly kicking off my shoes walking to my dresser picking up my comb putting it through my hair. I bite my lip thinking back at the party , I still felt like a million dollars.

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins but I could smell the weed I smoked on my body, I begin to strip off my clothes entering my bathroom. I flicked on the light with the bathrooms whiteness making my eyes narrow. I rub my forehead as I turn the faucet on running the warm water. I sighed and stepped in the warm water running down my body giving me a good feeling.
I stand in front of my dresser brushing my hair once more getting the tangles out before i see my bedroom door open slowly. I swallow hard setting my brush down seeing my dad looking angry. "I told you to come home at midnight." He states obviously pissed of as he walks slowly behind me. "It's 2 in the morning."

Fear made me frozen in my spot as I felt his index finger go under my t shirt strap taking it off slowly as he did with the other one. It dropped to the floor revealing me in my bra. I didn't know why I was being the way I was but i just couldn't move. He takes off my bra letting my breast fall out as I gasp softly looking down at my clothes. I began to feel tears run down my cheeks, my father turns me around slowly. He cups my cheek "Don't be afraid." He whispers trying to comfort me "I'm not going to hurt you." I feel his fingers slowly pull down at my underwear.

I look down , this isn't right Natalia. I wanted to cry , I wanted to call my mother, I wanted to run away. A shiver ran up and down my body, fight Natalia! I suddenly feel anger grow in me as I shove my father away roughly. He takes steps back looking at me with wide eyes. I felt the electricity run through my body, run.

I glance at my door open making me wanna scream and run. I didn't know if it was the drugs or the fact that I shoved my father. I wanted him to stop , I hated this, I wanted to be treated like a daughter not a slave. My mother was to busy being an addict to care about me and I was to scared to stick up to my father. I hated myself because of him , I was tired. I didn't think of life all flowers and sunshine after 12 years old. He ruined everything.

I attempt to run to my door but my fathers strong arms wrap around my body picking me up slamming me on my bed. "Daddy please!" I cry as he climbs on top of me as I struggle to fight. He was strong , too strong. Tears fall down my cheeks as I cry feeling his hands slam my wrist down on the bed roughly. I sniff as I feel his lips begin to kiss my neck hungrily, "Daddy..." I whisper "Stop..." My vision blurred with the tears as they rolled down my cheeks. He let go one of my wrist , my body suddenly felt like it was shutting down. I look down pulling down his boxers down as I felt like something heavy fell on me. "Daddy!" I gasp as I feel him pull down my underwear "Stop!" I cry out loud "Stop!" I try to fight put I was too weak under him. He sits on his knees as I try to fight but he grabs me by the ankles pulling me to him.

He climbs on top of me , I gasp as I feel him enter me. He begins to trail his lips down my neck and onto my nipples. I feel him suck slowly as my whole body feels numb, I couldn't move. I stare at the white ceiling as my body moves up and down. I felt him hard and strong in me, his thrust were hard as if he was carrying frustration. "Tell me you love me Natalia." I hear him groan as if it was something that turned him on.

"I love you." I said as his lips met mine kissing me as if it was his last. I didn't kiss back until he roughly grabbed my jaw his eyes staring at mine.

"Kiss back." He growls making a shiver run up and down my body. His lips met mine as I begin to kiss back with tears rolling down my cheeks. I suddenly feel him grip my hair tight , his thrust increases and became more stronger. I laid under him , numb. I felt as though I was already dead. I couldn't feel anything else but him. He grips my hair tighter groaning loudly as he pulls out cumming onto my stomach. He sighs into my chest panting as I continued to stare at my ceiling. I blink as I look at my mother in the hallway staring at me with no emotion. My heart dropped as my father laid next to me holding me close to his. I licked my lips, help me mom. She didn't seem worried enough to care, she just stood there staring until she closes the door as a single tear drops from my eye.

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