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Amethyst p.o.v
Today was the first day of school , the hallways were busy and the kids were crowding the hallway talking to one another catching up on what they did this summer. It was my first day back to San Francisco after spending the summer in Britain. It was beautiful there but I missed San Francisco dearly, I missed my friends. Well...are they your friends? My stomach turns thinking earlier this summer that I had slept with Kyle, Layla's Boyfriend, and how she had found out when I was across the country. After that day , the whole group seemed to distant themselves from me,well, Bennett not so much. Bennett talked to me here and there when the group was dissolving away from me , it had me catch feelings for him. I didn't know why but I had stopped seeing him as my close friend and as more a guy I fantasized about a lot.

I see Layla fixing her makeup in a tiny mirror she had hung up in her new locker. I glance at the locker number realizing I would be right next to her. My heart leaped as her dark green eyes shifted on me , she scowled at me. I turned to my locker and began to put in the combination as she slammed hers. "Your next to me?" She says.

I look at her nervously, I didn't want to upset her. I knew she hated me and I didn't want to worsen things between us. This was our last year of high school and I already fucked up just showing my face here. The group was all I had, I would be alone and I already felt like it. She was just like Liberty ; she liked me but when I fucked up she turned her back on me. I already lost the people I knew my entire life and it seemed like drama was already starting. "I can change my locker."

"No." She said with a sudden evil smile forming on her pink lips "It's fine."

At the corner of my eyes I see Natalia and Liberty approach Layla. Liberty shoots me a dirty glare which was something I was use to. Natalia's blue eyes fall on me a grin dancing on her lips, she made me feel relaxed. I look at her up and down seeing her blue ripped skinny jeans and white shirt that had a black heart in the middle. She was wearing lipgloss that made her lips shine, Jesus she was beautiful. Her dark skin seemed perfectly smooth, no cuts, no scars, just perfections. She was a whole goddess in this school, and even though she was a popular girl she never left us behind. "How was Britain?" She said casually pulling me in a hug.

She was much taller then me, she stood 5'7 while I only stood 5'2. Natalia seemed like a giant compared to me but it made me feel safe from Layla. I hug back "It was fine." I reply as she pulls away. She seemed different; not physical change but she seemed more tired. I tried to push it out my mind but her eyes were holding back something and I didn't know what. I brushed it off, she probably was crushing on someone. "How was your summer?"

"Good." She replies "Are you going to the pep rally for the seniors?"

"Yeah okay." Liberty said butting in. Her bright green eyes having evil looming in them. Her blonde curls bouncing as she moved in front of me. I looked up at her, not that she that tall , she was only 2 or 3 inches taller but she had the attitude like she was going to kill you and the confidence you'd want. "I am hosting that pep rally, we don't need trash crashing in."

"Hey." Natalia said gently pushing Liberty back with her hand "Be nice. It's the first day, why all the drama?"

"Oh please." Layla said as I felt my anxiety kick in. "She knows what she did." Her eyes dart at me "Don't stand there and think your protected by Natalia because once your alone, your mine." She grins softly making me feel surrounded by sharks. It was like you were in the middle of the fucking ocean and there were these sharks swimming around you , Taunting you. The fear was unrealistic looking into Layla's and Liberty's eyes. I wanted to slap myself , I should've left this school when I had the chance.

"I thought your boyfriend hit on her first." A deep voice behind me says making a chill run up my spine until I see Bennett next to me. My heart flutters as I look at him give Layla a look, like , trying to calm down a crazy dog. The school suddenly disappears and it's just him standing there next to me, like we were the only ones. God, he was fucking hot. I can feel fireworks set off in my body as I feel my cheeks get hot, snapping me back to reality. I tuck a strain of my brown hair behind my ear as I see Natalia's blue eyes on me, seeing at how my cheeks went red looking at Bennett. I move my eyes away from her as Bennett's voices goes on , "Don't he mad at her for your boyfriends decision."

"Bennett , shut up." Liberty says her attitude coming out. "This doesn't involve you."

"Shut up , lesbian." He says making me grin. I felt suddenly more safe in his presence. I didn't feel alone , I felt like he was there to stop the drama. My heart pounds faster the more I think of Bennett, he was the definition of perfect. He was incredibly fit and had the looks you'd want on a guy, my insides just got warm thinking of him playing football this year. "Are you still mad at her for puking on you in front of your ex girlfriend 2 years ago."

"Bennett , my love." Liberty smiles flashing the one dimple she had on her right cheek. "In this generation the LGBT is supported and by you simply calling me a lesbian makes me want to fuck your girlfriend." She smirks "I mean...you've never had a real one right? Melissa was just a player that was out to break your heart and it worked."

I bite down on my lip, as I think back to Melissa. She was the schools whore but Bennett being the sweetheart he was saw more in her. We told him she wasn't worth it but he learned the hard way experiencing his first heartbreak , ever since he hasn't dated anyone. It just made me want him more, I wanted him to fall for me and it was going to happen. "Hey , guys." Natalia says "We're all friends here, let's just cool it." She was always the one to solve the problems but I hated that. She was always so focused on fixing our relationship and didn't have time to focus on herself. "Now, let's all go to the pep rally and meet up after lunch , Yeah?"

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