Scared Alpha

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A word that's thrown around like a fairytale. But in truth, it isn't a fairytale. It's a load of bull your mother told you because she got her happily ever after.

It's all I ever wanted because of my mother's stories.

She would sit me down at night telling me how the first time she met my father, they fell in love instantly. How it was so easy to find the one that you were meant for. The one that would love you no matter what. The one blah blah blah.


Oh, I found mine all right.

Hold up. Before you get your panties in a bunch, let me explain.

It's not one of those "oh the poor nerd girl got rejected by the popular alpha." Close, but no. I am the nerd girl and well yeah, he is popular but not the jock popular. He is the badboy popular. The girls swoon, drool, hike their skirts up, pull down their shirts blah blah blah when he walk by. Yeah, he is all that.

But he didn't reject me.

No, he might as well have but I wasn't that lucky.

No, this isn't one of those abuse stories either. He has never laid a hand on me or said a mean thing to me. He never bullied me a day in my life.

He might as well, though.

Than I would have gotten a reaction out of him. I probably could have taken that.

But what I couldn't take was the silent treatment.

That was it between us.


No I love yous, no holding hands, no kissing, no cuddling, no hanging out. No nothing.

We found out we were mates on his fourteenth birthday. Thats the age when our wolves come out and we shift for the first time. After we shift, our wolf lets us know if our mate was around. Our wolf draws you to them. Not who it is but that they are close. The sparks confirm it.

Boy, he must have been struggling that day. I knew that he didn't want his mate. I don't know why he didn't but I knew he just didn't want it. It wasn't because he wanted to be a player. No, we all knew he was a virgin and he was very proud of that fact. In his words, "I'm stayin that way." So that wasn't the reason. I didn't know the reason and still don't.

Anyway, like I said we found out that day. I wasn't fourteen yet so I didn't know because my wolf hadn't come out yet. To me, it was just another day.

We were all outside at a bonfire. While they partied I was watching my little brother like always. I love my little brother so I was more than happy to keep him occupied while my parents joined the festivities.

Well, we were playing up in a tree because we both preferred to stay to ourselves. We were in a tree being silly, standing up on the branches then hanging on to another branch as we jumped up and down on the branch, trying to knock each other out when my brother succeeded. One of his jumps made me lose my balance and down I went.

But I was caught.

By none other than Noah.

My alpha mate.

I stared at him in shock because I felt the shocks and it just confirmed that I was his mate. He just stared at me in shock as well. I don't know how long we stared at each other but it was perfect to me. Each of us lost in the others eyes. It was my magic moment. The moment my mother told me about. I couldn't believe it.

"Noah, man, lets go." one of his friends huffs, ruining the moment. Noah pulled his eyes away from me and nodded. He set me down on my feet and looks back at me. Just like Noah. No emotion what so ever. I've only seen him crack a smile a handful of times.

"We'll talk about this later." he says with no emotion. I stupidly nodded happily. I couldn't speak, I was still in shock.

I was the alpha's mate.

The hot alpha's mate.

I was ecstatic! I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I went back to playing with my brother. We played for hours until it was his bed time.

So I took him in and tucked him into bed. Yeah, he is twelve but it was still my responsibility to make sure he went to bed on time like mom and dad wanted him to.

After that, I went back down to join the party. I went over and sat down next to my parents, where they smiled brightly at me.

"So you found him?" mom asks, winking at me. That was fast. I nod, smiling like the idiot I was. They both congratulated and hugged me. We sat back down talking about mating. Embarrassing topic so I won't get into it with you. Yes, we do mate early and it's okay with our parents for several reasons.

One: this is the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. Two: we couldn't get pregnant until we turned of age. Sixteen. I'm not sure how to explain it but I guess the easiest way would be to say our wolves cycle doesn't start until then.

Anyway, I was enjoying my conversation with my parents. It was not about that. Trust me, or I wouldn't have been enjoying it. I'd be running for the hills moaning, groaning, and telling them to shut up. No, we were on a totally different topic. Stupid, I know, but it was about chocolate covered strawberries. My favorite.

Anyway, I felt someone staring at me so I looked up and it was Noah. He gives me a discreet jerk of the head, telling me to come here. So I did. I stood up excusing myself and walked over to him, smiling like an idiot. But I was so nervous. I follow him away from everyone. I was stupidly thinking this was my chance to get some alone time with my mate.

"Hey." I whispered bashfully.

"We can't be together." he says. Emotionless. Like he wasn't fazed by this. I stared at him in shock.

"Are you rejecting me?" I ask, whispering as my heart was breaking into a million pieces.

"No." he answers.

"I...uh...huh...what?" I stutter. It didn't make sense. Why is he saying we can't be together but not reject me?

"I just can't be with you." he says with a straight face, no emotion.

"Then reject me." I tell him.

"No, and you will not reject me!" he growls at me.

"Wanna bet?" I start.

"I order you not to reject me!" he growls, cutting me off. Then he just walks away. That was not an alpha mate order I could have chosen to ignore. No, that was an alpha order I couldn't ignore. But there was some thing that didn't make sense. Like why didn't he reject me? Why wouldn't he let me reject him? Why did that order sound almost desperate? Like he was so desperate, almost pleading for me not to reject him.

Trust me, I didn't want it to begin with. But why not when the one you were meant for doesn't want to be with you?

I just didn't understand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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