Chapter 7

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Yeah, I've been a bitch to him and all of his friends but I don't care.

He is still prancing his whore in front of me. It's like he wants to hurt me or something.

I don't know. Something is off and I can't put my finger on it. It's like the time he demanded to know why I left him. Something in his voice just wasn't right.

It was just a few days after I started school that he caught me off guard as I was walking to class. He jerks me in an empty classroom.

"Why did you leave me?" he asks me. He sounded so cold but there was a hint of hurt in his voice.

"You mean you noticed?" I ask, sarcastically. "Wow Noah, I'm shocked. Hell, I didn't even think you would notice if I was dead right there in front of your eyes." I scoff. He glares at me.

"Don't turn this around on me, Shaylee!" he growls at me.

"It is about you, Noah!" I yell back at him. "I left because of you! Did you expect me to sit around and continue to let you treat me like shit?! Did you think I was going to let my child grow up with the same fate I had to deal with for four years. Why do you even care why I left?! You never cared for me any other time, why now?" I ask him. He says nothing. Just stands there, emotionless. I shake my head. Disappointed. "Do us all a favor, Noah. Reject me so you can mate your whore and have kids with her. Just leave me and Kenzie alone. We are both so much better off without you." I tell him honestly. I turn on my heels to walkout.

"I forbid you to leave again!" he growls, stopping me.

"Forbid me?" I ask rhetorically turning around to face him. "I'll leave if I want to you asshole. So shove your forbid up your ass." I scoff, turning back around.

"I order you to never leave me, this town or this state again!" he growls using his alpha with me this time. I froze.

I close my eyes and try to fight it. I didn't want to listen to him. But he used it with so much authority that it was hard not to. I did fight it. I really did. Hard, too. But I failed and sighed. I just bowed my head, nodding. I didn't bow my head in respect to him. I bowed in shame. I let him win again.

Then I just walked out.

I couldn't believe he won again. Stupid ass alpha. I was not in a good mood for the rest of the day. I was pissed but I didn't let Kenzie see it.

Since then, I have kept my distance from him. From both of them, actually. She finds every way to shove Noah in my face. I just shrug like I don't care. He says nothing. She even corners me alone, telling me things he has said to her. Things he wants her to say to me. I'll just shrug and walk off.

I'm not fighting over him. I don't see why she just won't get it through her bimbo head of hers. I have something else to fight over and I will when she tries to bring Kenzie into it.

Don't mess with my daughter.

Grow the fuck up and leave her out of this. Both of us actually. Like I said, I'm not fighting for him. She can have him. I got my little piece of heaven. I don't need him for the rest of it. I'm happy with just her.

I don't know what kind of relationship they have or do not have and I really don't care either. Just leave us out of it.

I don't know what it is with everyone all of a sudden wanting to be my friend but I'm not buying it. They were not my friends then so why is there any reason to be my friend now? Plus, I don't have time for friends.

My life revolves around my little girl.

Meetings are usually a disaster. I've asked Jonah if I could stop going to them and he said yes. They are not so bad for me but they are for Kenzie. She sees him standing up there beside Jonah, not even looking her way. She sees that and it breaks her heart every time. Mine too. I hate seeing her heartbroken.

I'm getting so fed up with it. I thought about talking to my parents and Jonah about leaving again. It's not because of him and her being together. Sure, it hurts but I'll live. No, it's him not having anything to do with her.

I know it would go against Noah but at this point I don't care anymore.

I also knew coming home would be a mistake but...well, I don't know what I was actually expecting. Not this.

I keep trying to tell her that her daddy is not a bad person. That he just has a lot on his plate. That he's busy with work and school. That when he gets time, he'll come and see her.

I hate lying to her but I don't know what to tell her. I can't tell her the truth. That her daddy is an asshole. But it's getting harder and harder to come up with excuses. She's not stupid. She knows the truth, I think.

I just wish he would man up. Be her father. Not for me, but for Kenzie. She needs a dad. She deserves a dad.

I sigh heavily, giving up on my homework. I think Kenzie needs a break too.

"Hey kiddo want to go outside?" I ask her. She nods excitedly.

"Can we go to ark?" she asks me.

"You want to go to the park? Didn't you just get home from there?" I ask her. She nods, smiling. How can you say no to that face? So I get up, pick her up and head out the door.

We go to the park playing for hours until it got dark. Then we decided to go home. We ate a late dinner. I know I shouldn't of done that but she was having such a good time. Then I took her up for a bath and put her to bed.

I went back to my studies, trying to write my essay on world war two. Oh yes, it was a lot of fun I tell you. Note the sarcasm there. Then finally, when I'm done, I crawl into bed.

Yeah, she does sleep with me a lot. Not because she's scared but because we both like to snuggle up to something. And who better to snuggle up to than my very own daughter. If we don't sleep together than she has her bunny and I have my pillow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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