Chapter 14

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They started a search party calling everyone in.

Not one person was staying behind but me and mom.

The only reason I was, was because I couldn't walk or shift. Mom stayed because she has to stay with me.

They've been searching around the clock. They've been going in shifts.

Day and night.

It's been three long days.

I've hardly slept or ate. I do nothing but cry.

I want Noah here with me, but he is out searching for his daughter and when he does come in he keeps his distance. I don't know what's wrong with Him. I don't know if he is worried about Kenzie. Well, I know he is but this seems more than that.

I don't know what, but I'll deal with it later.

We need to find Kenzie right now.

Where could she be? I don't know anyone that has a problem with me. I know people don't like me but enough to kidnap a child? Don't think so.

As far as Noah or Jonah having any enemies that I'm not sure. I don't get into pack business but I'm sure if they did then one of them would have said something, right?

As I'm sitting here thinking, Joney comes in sitting down with a smug look on her face. I didn't think anything of it until she leans over, getting close to me. She smells of cheap perfume sex and of...


That son of a bitch.

"So how have you been?" she smugly asks me. I didn't say anything, I just simply grabbed my crutches, got up, and hoped away.

I hopped up to the office where I knew they... well, thought they would be. Jonah will be anyway. I walked in and there both of them are. Jonah sitting in his chair, Noah sitting in one in front of the desk.

"Shay, what can I do for you?" Jonah asks me. I didn't answer. Noah didn't even turn around around to look at me.

"Three days. She's been gone for three days. Some father you are. You would rather fuck your whore than be out searching for your own daughter. You're pathetic. When we find her we are gone. We will be out of your life. For good this time." I say then turn on my crutches to go again. Only to stop again. "Where is she, Noah?" I ask him. "Is she still alive?" I ask holding back tears.

"How would I know?" he asks me, emotionless.

"Pretty convenient if you ask me. You know, getting on my good side to get close to her then poof she's gone. You couldn't seem to wait until we found the body before you started fucking around. Did you want us out of your life that bad that you had to take her from me? Damn Noah, you could have just waited instead of begging me not to leave. I had every intention of leaving and trust me. I had no intention in ever coming back. All you had to do was leave us the fuck alone. You didn't have to hurt her. Bring her back to me, Noah. Then I'll leave and you won't ever and I mean ever have to see us again. I'll join another pack. I'll mate someone else. Just please bring her back to me. If you don't, Noah, I'll make your's and your bitch's life a living hell. If she so much as has a scratch on her, trust me. Both of you are dead." I calmly say then hobble out. I didn't wait for a reply, I just left.

I don't know if he is in on it or not. I'm hoping he isn't but I don't know.

I go to the spare bedroom where I've been staying at. Yeah, I've been staying at the pack house so I'm close when they find her. I go in and fall on the bed and cry.

I can't believe this. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. I thought he wanted us, at least her. Or at least getting there. I just don't know what to think any more.

I laid there for a while crying until he comes barreling in the room.

"Where the fuck do you get off saying I took her when I've been searching for her? Remember, Shaylee, I was in the car with you!" he yells.

"Like you don't have friends that will help you." I scoff.

"It was my side that was hit." he reminds me.

"Funny how you didn't get hurt." I scoff. "Just leave Noah, I said what I had to say and I don't have anything else to say to you. Just give her back and we are gone for good." I say laying back down.

"This is why I did want a mate or a kid. All you ever do is leave or die. So just leave. Do what you do best." he sneers.

And there it is.

What I've been waiting for.

"I will." I answer. I was not going to argue with him right now. My daughter's life is more important.

"For the record I didn't sleep with her!" he growled at me. "She tried but I pushed her away." he finishes. I didn't say anything. I just laid there.

Then finally he left, slamming the door shut.

I knew there was a reason for him to act like he does, but I could never figure it out until now.

He is afraid of us leaving him.

Or dying.

I get it now. I don't know why it never dawned on me before. I wonder now if it has something to do with his mother because if you noticed I have never met her before. No one has ever mentioned her. Nothing. I wonder if she's dead.

As I'm laying there thinking about things, something else hits me.

Why would Joney be trying to get down Noah's pants three days after his daughter goes missing? Besides her being a slut, that is. I'm not saying they didn't because she did smell like him but he didn't. He smelled like he just got out of the shower. She smelled like sex but she could have had sex with anyone. Ugh I don't know. But what if he was telling the truth. What if she tried to have sex with him, loved up all over him, and when he pushed her away she went and screwed someone else.

Nasty, I know.

But that would explain why she was trying awfully hard to get close to me just so I could smell it. And why she was so smug about it?

With that, I flew up out of bed and hobbled back to the office. I walk in to see Noah fixing to leave.

"Did you find her body and came to blame me?" he sneers. I deserve that.

"No, not yet." I huff hobbling past him. I go to Jonah's desk standing in front of it. "Can I talk to you?" I ask Jonah. He nods looking over my shoulder. "Alone." I add. I hear the door slam.

"You really don't think he had anything to do with it, do you?" Jonah asks me. I just shrug.

"Sorry Jonah, but this is my daughter we are talking about. I trust no one. Not even you right now but I have no one else right now. So," I say sitting down. "I do have someone else in mind." I finish.

"Who?" he asks me.

"Joney." I answer.

"What makes you think of her?" he asks me.

"Well, before I came up here and accused Noah she made sure that I smelled her. She smelled of sex and Noah but Noah said he didn't sleep with her." I tell him. He nods sighing.

"Who else did she smell like?" he asks me.

"Just Noah." I answer with a shrug.

"I don't see.." he trails off.

"She could have had sex with someone else. Poured on her perfume to cover his stink then came in and made sure I smelled Noah." I tell him.

"What does she gain from this?" he asks me. I give him a disbelieving look.

"Noah." I answer in a duh tone. "With Kenzie gone she made her move when that failed she went to plan B. To have me thinking they slept together. To break us up for good. Well, to get rid of me and Kenzie for good. Hell, Jonah, I don't know I'm just grasping at straws. I want my baby home." I say exasperated. He nods.

"I get what you're saying. I'll look into it." he tells me.

"Thank you." I sigh standing up.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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