Chapter 4

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That day came all too soon.

Two years later, and I'm back.

I haven't changed a bit.

I just got my pride and joy.

My life with me.

After I left I didn't return back to school. I was home schooled. I didn't do a lot really. I was pretty much bummed most of the time.

My cousin Marsha was one of the 'populars' and tried to get her nerdy cousin to go down to the beach with her all the time.

Yeah, okay. I'm a fat whale and you want me to go where?

I think not.

So, I just stayed home or went out to my doctor appointments.

Eight months later I had a beautiful baby girl.

Mackenzie Paige Frazier.

She's beautiful and looks just like him.

No, I didn't give her his last name. I was going to and wanted to but thought better of it.

He needed to prove he wanted to be her father before he deserved the honor of giving her his last name.

So here I am two years later. Standing on my front porch. I slowly open the door with Kenzie on my hip.

"Mom, dad!" I yell into an empty house. Humph. Where are they?

"Out back!" I hear mom yell. Oh, yeah. I almost got my panties in a bunch for nothing. So I walk to the back door which just happens to be open and step out.

"Surprise!" They yell. Kenzie and I both jump. What the heck? I look up and see the whole freaking pack.

Some are looking at me in shock. Well, not so much at me but at Kenzie.

"Mother!" I hiss. I really didn't want to tell him this way.

"Oh, there's my grand baby." Mom coos happily ignoring me. There's gasps all the way around the crowd. Uh yeah, no one and I mean no one knew but mom and dad. They promised they wouldn't tell anyone until I was ready. Well, I'm still not but I was going to tell him when I saw him because he was eventually going to see her. She takes Kenzie from me. "Welcome home, honey." She gushes kissing my cheek.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" I hiss at her. She just shrugs. "Dad!" I huff. He just shrugs as well.

"Welcome home baby girl." he says pulling me into a hug. Are they for freaking real? For god sakes! Oh, they are so dead.

I sigh. Might as well face the music. I look around, looking for him. When I spot him I'm not surprised. He has his arm around another girl glaring at me. He suddenly smirks, leans down, and...

Kisses her.

Oh, good one.

But I was not going to show him how much that hurt me. So instead I waited till he was done. Once he looked back up at me. I wiped that smirk right off his face. By smirking back, shrugging, and turning my attention back to my daughter.

I know people saw that exchange but I don't care.

Actually, I wanted to go to my room and cry but I wasn't going to. I can be just as heartless as he can be.

"Momma." Kenzie says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What baby?" I ask her.

"Ungry." She says. She's two, give her a break. She's smart and a good talker but there are a lot of words she messes up. I nod.

"Food?" I ask dad.

"Over there." He points near Noah. I nod taking Kenzie. I take her to get her some food. I start making her plate when I'm interrupted.

"Well, you sure did move on." Someone sneers from behind me. I turn around and see the girl that Noah was with. I don't even freaking know her but I know she's a wolf. I just shrug turning back around going back to Kenzie's lunch. "I heard all about you. You're the bitch that left her mate." She sneers.

"Is that what you heard?" I ask her.

"Yeah, only a bitch would do something like that." She sneers. That's one.

"And who told you this? Noah?" I ask her. "Hmm, my guess is he only told you that to gain sympathy from you so he could get down your pants and from the looks of you that wasn't really required was it?" I ask.

"No, Noah didn't tell me. Noah isn't much of a talker." She says as if I didn't know. I just shrug walking off. You notice not once did she deny sleeping with him and my heart broke more.

Man by the time he is done there won't be anything left of it.

I go back to my parents sitting down and letting Kenzie eat.

Of course people coo over her, making me smile. We sit out there talking with people I never talked to before. Why my parents did this was beyond me.

"So this is my grand baby?" Someone asks from behind me. I turn around and see Jonah. Oh crap, I'm in trouble.

"Uh." I stutter.

"No, it's okay Shay. I understand. Maybe this will knock some sense into his head." He says. I nod not really sure what to say.

"I'm sorry." Is what came out.

"No, I get it." he says. "I just hope you let me get to know her?" he asks.

"Of course." I answer immediately. He nods picking her up.

"Her name is Mackenzie but we call her Kenzie." I tell him. "Kenzie, this is your other grandpa, grandpa Jonah." I tell Kenzie.

"Ampa." she chirps.

"That's right baby, grandpa." I giggle. I love when she stumbles.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, beautiful." He tells her. "You look just like your mother." He chuckles.

"Oh no, I think she looks like him. Speaking of him... does he know?" I ask curiously.

"No, I didn't say a word. When your parents told me they said you wanted to be the one who told him. So I didn't say anything." he says.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief.

"No, don't thank me Shay. I'm hoping this will get his head out of his ass. I just don't know what's wrong with him. And don't think I didn't know about her. Your parents made sure I got copies of pictures and told me everything there is to know about her." He tells me smirking. Why those little conniving devils. I shake my head amused. Leave it to them.

We sit out there for a while while they gush more over her until she starts yawning. I was tired from this too. Between our flight and this I was more than happy to go to bed.

Noah stayed his distance which I was grateful for. I couldn't face him yet.

So after our hi's and byes I went back inside. Where I'm stopped.

By him.


"Who's kid?!" he growls at me. I scoff.

"Like you care." I huff. He just glares at me as I glare back. "Look at her idiot!" I hiss at him. He does too. He just stares at her confused. I sigh heavily and start walking away. But he stops me again.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" he hisses at me.

"Like you would have cared." I says yanking my arm away from him.

"Momma." Kenzie says bring my eyes away from him. Crap I forgot she was in my arms.

"Yes, baby?" I ask her.

"Who dat?" she asks me. Ah, shit!


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Edited by @callmelenaa

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