Chapter 11

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Noah's POV

I'm going to lose it all if I don't speak.

"I love you." I answered, but it was the truth. I've loved her from the moment she fell out of the tree and I caught her. She pushes me away from her. Taking a step back.

"No, no, you don't get to say that to me. You don't treat someone you love like you have for four years, Noah." she says.

"Two." I corrected. Uh oh. Bad move, Noah. That glare says it all.

"No four, just because I wasn't around doesn't mean you still didn't treat me like shit. You cheated on me!" she yells. I gulped because technically I did. "You were not there when I had Kenzie." she finishes.

"I didn't know about her." I defend myself.

"Yeah, and why is that Noah?" she asks me. Silence. I didn't know what to say.

When dad came storming home after I got in from school. He let me have it. He called me every name in the book and then told me that Shaylee was leaving again.

I froze on the spot, not knowing what to say or do while he cussed at me. He finally stopped so I headed up to my room to think. I finally decided to man up or lose them for good.

I flew over here, hoping to fix this.

I gulped, taking a step towards her but she took one back. I sigh, closing my eyes.

"Because I'm an asshole." I offer, opening them.

"Damn right you are." she scoffs. I close me eyes again and run my hands over my face.

"Let me fix things between us." I say. "Please Shay?" I beg, opening them.

"There's nothing between us to fix. I'm done with this" she says, gesturing between us. "You need to fix things with your daughter. That's if you still have one." she finishes.

"Please don't say that. Shay, I'm sorry. I'll fix this. I'll do what ever I have to, to fix this." I tell her honestly. She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"Why?" she asks me.

"Why what?" I ask confused. I wasn't sure what she was asking why to. There's so many.

"Why now? It's been four years, Noah." she asks me. I nod in agreement.

"I know and I'm sorry." I start.

"Did your dad threaten you?" she ask me.

"No." I answer. I can see her temper rising. I'm not sure what she's mad about.

"Bullshit! What made you suddenly change your mind?" she asks me harshly. "What? You need another heir? Just a night with your ex mate?" she hisses at me.

"No, no, because I love you, Shay." I answer. She shakes her head and laughs.

"No, you don't." she scoffs. "You know I thought when we were whatever we were. The no kissing, touching, speaking, even looking at each other. That it was because you didn't want a mate. But funny thing is, when I came back you didn't seem to have a problem with the mate thing. No, your problem is that it was me. The school nerd. You were stuck with me. So don't feed me that bullshit line because I'm not fucking buying it. Never once did you tell me then but you sure didn't have a problem with telling that bitch now, did you?" she says. No way! What the hell?

"I never once told her that I loved her. Never, Shay!" I tell her truthfully. She just shakes her head no, closing her eyes.

"You know what, Noah? It doesn't matter anymore." she says. "This isn't about you and me. It's about a little girl that's downstairs." she tells me. I nod in agreement. "It's over between us. You have to make it right between you two." she tells me.

"I will, I promise, but Shay there's still an us." I tell her. She shakes her head no again.

"Why now?" she asks me. "I want the truth, Noah." she says. How the hell does she know? I can't tell her.

"That is the truth." I lie.

"No, it's not and until you tell me the truth we can't be together." she says, turning her back on me.

"Shay, please don't do this. Please, just give me another chance." I beg, closing my eyes. It can't be over between us.

"It's too late for us, Noah." she says.

"Please, Shay, I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Noah." she sighs turning back around. "If you can't tell me the fucking truth than no but I will give you a second chance with your daughter. That's all I can give you." she tells me.

"I'll take it." I say.

What do I do? Tell her my fears or lose her?

It's stupid now that I think about it. I don't know, maybe the thought of losing her or now knowing I've already lost her made me rethink things.

I don't know.

She nods an okay.

"But, if you so much as look at her like you're going to hurt her. We're leaving!" she tells me. I nod an okay.

"Thank you, Shay." I say.

"Don't thank me yet. There are a lot of stipulations. Don't fuck up." she tells me. I figured, but I'm hoping she's involved with them as well.

"I won't, Shay." I say. She scoffs but says nothing.

"Would you like to officially meet your daughter?" she asks me instead. I nod a yes and she nods back going to the door. I follow behind as we go downstairs. She leads us to the living room. "Kenzie," she says. Kenzie and her parents look up at us. All three of them glare at me. Okay, I now know where Shay gets the glare from and Kenzie has it too. "Come here to momma." she says, waving her over. Kenzie hops down from her grandpa's lap. Kenzie comes over still glaring at me. "Kenzie, this is your dad, Noah. Noah, Kenzie." she introduces us.

"Hi, Kenzie." I say.

"Jewk." she huffs. I smile anyway. I know, I deserve the cold shoulder. I treated her horribly but I got to at least try.

"Kenzie." Shay lightly scolds.

"No, it's okay. I deserve it." I tell her then look back at Kenzie.

I know what I have to do if I want both of them in my life.

I take a deep breathe.

"I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I should have never done that. I was a jerk to you and you don't deserve it. And, I know I don't deserve it but I'm hoping you will give me a chance to be your father." I tell her honestly. I'm not sure if she understands this or not. She's only two. She looks at Shay who nods. Kenzie looks back at me.

"Can we go to the oo?" she asks me. I have no clue what the oo is but if she wants to go then we will go.

"Zoo." Shay says. Oh.

"Sure, this weekend if it's okay with momma." I answer. She looks back at Shay who nods again smiling.

"Yay." she chirps, bouncing on Shay's hip. Shay laughs while I smile at them.

I know I don't deserve a chance but I will make it up to both of them.

I will get both of them back.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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