Chapter 9

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Noah's POV

I know I treat her like shit, but I can't help it. I know she deserves better than this. I just can't let her go. She's mine and no one else's.

How can she say that none of that jewelry didn't mean anything to her? I know that's a lie. She wore that stuff everyday. It was the only jewelry she ever wore.

Not only did that hurt when she said that and gave it away like it was nothing it also pissed me off.

And what in hell made her decide to give it to Joney?

I know I should have stepped in and said something to Joney. The way she was talking to Shay was unreal. I never once said I was going to take Kenzie away from her. I never once talked to Joney about taking Kenzie away from her.

She's a good mother. Her life revolves around Kenzie. Why would I do that? Why would I even think about something like that? Sure, if Shay was a bad mother then I would but Shay is far from a bad mother.

I don't even know where Joney was getting all that from. We don't talk. She's just a roll in the hay.

I know I shouldn't of done it but I was pissed off and hurt that she would leave me. So, Joney came along. One thing lead to another and we've been messing around ever since.

I snatched that jewelry away from Joney and walked off that day. She actually thought she was going to be able to keep it. Well, she thought wrong. I spent hours picking every piece for Shay. It's hers and hers only.

Meetings were rough until Shay stopped coming to them. It took everything I had not to go down there, kiss Shay senseless, and love all over Kenzie but I couldn't do that.

I just don't know what to do.

What if I get close to them and they just walk out?

Or worse?


I don't think I'll ever recover from that. I know I wouldn't. I would follow right behind them if that were to happen. I preferred if she'd leave before that happened.

I sigh, getting out of bed. I take a shower then get ready for school. I go down for breakfast where dad is. He isn't too happy with me. Hmm, I wonder why? He thinks I'm an idiot. I suppose I am. Ugh, I can't help it. I'm scared, shoot me.

We exchange greetings by nodding. Sad, we don't even speak anymore unless it's about the pack. I eat then jump in my baby and leave for school. I have an SRT Viper and she's gorgeous. Candy apple red, black interior. I love it.

As I'm driving, I spot Shay walking on the side of the road. Why the hell is she walking anyway? She either takes her mom's car or her mother brings her. I slowly pull over, rolling down my window.

"Get in." I tell her. She jumps like I scared her. Was she not paying attention? She looks over at me with a glare that should kill me and thousands of others.

"No." she huffs, walking away.

"Come on Shay, don't be difficult." I grunt but she keeps walking.

Fine. I'm not going to argue with her. I actually hate arguing with her. That's why I keep my mouth shut when she goes off.

So I drive off to school. When I get there, I meet up with my friends. Then we head off to first hour. A class that I don't have with her. I only have two. Those are the ones I live for. Even though she gets far enough away from me, I'm still able to see her.

Joney bugs me most of the day until lunch where I had enough.

"Leave me alone!" I growl lightly, pushing her away from me.

"It's her, isn't it?" she asks me.

"Is what?" I stupidly ask.

"Why you won't touch me or even look at me." she asks, exasperated.

"No, it's you." I huff.

"Are you dumping me?" she asks with hurt. I cock an eyebrow. Why is she acting like she's hurt? And there's nothing to dump.

"No, we don't have a relationship." I tell her honestly.

"We did until she came along." she huffs.

"No, we didn't. You were just something to fill the void. To pass the time. To fuck." I bluntly tell her. She knew this. I told her from the beginning I didn't want a relationship. It was only a friends with benefits kind of thing.

"Yes, we did Noah. We love each other and you know it. You even told me you did." she says. Wait, she lied. I never once told her I loved her. Brighton glares at me. Others at the table gasped in shock.

"I never told you I loved you!" I protest.

"You did every time we made love." she insists.

"First off, we never made love. Second, I don't love you. Third, if you supposedly love me you wouldn't of fucked half the guys in this school. You wouldn't be trying to get back with your mate. Fourth, you were just a fuck to me and nothing more." I tell her honestly.

"I'll show you and that bitch who you belong to." she huffs, standing up. I grab her arm roughly and yank her back down in her chair. I stand up, glaring down at her.

"You won't do shit. I belong to no one!" I growl. But Shaylee. I think to myself. "You will stay away from her and that's an order. If I find out that you so much as sneezed her way, I'll kill you!" I growl then walk away. Crazy bitch.

The rest of the day went uneventful. Joney stayed away from me after that. She's lucky too, because I was in no mood for her mouth.

I went straight home after school not in the mood to hangout with anyone today. So when I got home I went in and took a shower. Did my homework, took care of some pack business, then watched tv until I decided to go spy on Shay and Kenzie.

I shifted in the backyard and took off to her house. When I get there I shift back to human form, getting in my spot. She's in one of their usual spots. They are either in the sandbox or on the porch swing where Shay swings Kenzie as she sings to her. Now they are in the sandbox.

"MOM!" Shay screams, suddenly panicked. She picks up Kenzie who has blood running down her leg. Before I can do anything, Angela is running outside ushering her inside and 'poof' they are gone.

Why would she get cut in the sandbox she's played in several times before? So, I snuck out of my hiding spot to check it out.

"You too, huh?" someone says from behind me. I turn around and see Steve, Shay's dad, standing there. Oops. I nod, not knowing what to say. "I've seen you camp out there almost everyday." he tells me. Oops, busted. I nod again. "Well, let's see what we find here." he says, bending down. I nod again following his lead. We search until I pick up a piece of glass with sand and blood mixed in. "Must of gotten thrown in here when there was a party or something." he grunts. I nod, sighing in agreement.

We then search the rest of it, finding nothing. Then we say our good byes with him telling me he'll let me know how she is. I thanked him then went home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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