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Isobel P.O.V.

Omg no no no no no.


It can't be.

Wait, it can.

Oliver and the- the devil, are still best friends.

Of course.

Oh no.

Crap! I didn't think about this.

"Isobel?" He came striding over, closing in on my position with every step.

I froze in my spot as I began to mentally freak out.

After all this time?

He looks soooo good. I wanted to hit myself at the thought. His dirty blonde hair was cropped short, his jawline could cut you with a single touch, and his eyes were an enchanting shade of green. He looked older than his teenaged self with the faint dusting of scruff on his face. And...his frame. He was always tall, lean and very toned, but he looked broader now, stronger. Powerful. Asshole.

Asshole #1 in my book of assholes in fact.

Great, I groaned.

"Hey Bel," he smirked as he stopped in front of me. "Long time no see. You look..." his eyes drifted down and up my body before stopping at my face. "Beautiful."

Wow. That was nice. I blinked back surprise.

"I see the womanly curves came in nicely," he snickered.

And yup. There it is. Did I say asshole?

"Whitley." I basically grunted.

"Aw no warm welcome? I'm here to pick you up y'know," he crossed his arms over his chest, emphasising the size of his sculpted, bulging muscles. That's when I noticed some sort of black circular tattoo wrapping around his arm. Um okay, why did he just get hotter? I stopped myself from drifting away to those thoughts before feigning indifference.

"Nope." I popped the P. "Can we go?"

"Damn girl, still feisty." He raised his eyebrows. "I parked my car. Can I take that for you?" he nodded to my suitcases.

"No I'm fine, just lead the way." I shook my head.

Totally ignoring me, he grabbed the luggage quickly, prying it from my hands with ease before walking away with a smug grin.

"Hey!" I stood there with a frown. I can't believe him. Well actually I freaking can.

"You coming? Or do you wanna stay at ze hotel de airport?" he called over his shoulders.

"Well I could catch a cab y'know!" I retorted with a huff.

He stopped, turned around and simply chuckled before smirking. "And you trust me with your suitcases?"

My face dropped.

Hell no.

With loud stomps, I caught up to him as I followed, internally seething. There's only one boy who could get me riled up like this. Boy, that's right. I don't care if he was 24. He's still a damn boy.

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