Thirty seven

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Isobel P.O.V.

The clock struck closer to midnight, and the crowd began to dwindle, leaving with their bellies full of champagne and food, their minds filled with memories, and their hearts even fuller with joy.

"Congratulations again you guys!" I brought Oliver and Soph into my embrace, hugging them tightly. "I had such a great night, did you guys have fun?"

"Amazing," Oliver replied, wrapping an arm around his wife.

She nodded with a big smile. "It was better than I could have dreamed. I couldn't have done it without you. And you too Kade!" She tugged him over into our group hug. I giggled, bidding them farewell as they slipped into the car to leave. Wisps of smoke were left behind as I watched them disappear down the dark road and into the blackness of the night.


Just like that, the night was all over.

I inhaled a deep breath, trotting my way onto the dock as I gazed out at the harbour. The stars in the night sky reflected in the dark waters of the sea like a mirror, dotting them with spots of light. It was pretty.

"You ready to head off?" Kade murmured beside me, pressing a kiss to my temple. I could swoon at the action. It was a wordless agreement we'd both catch a lift back to Oliver and Soph's house together. It was easier that way.

"M-hm, our duties are done, best man."

"Indeed they are, maid of honour," he quipped cheekily. He whipped out his phone and tapped quickly on the screen to order a lift. "Five minutes."

I nodded silently, pulling off my heels to feel the flat ground against them. That, and taking off your bra after a long day has to be one of the greatest feelings.

It was dark when we arrived at Olphie's house. It honestly feels so surreal- everything today happened in a blink of an eye. I grabbed a big glass of water to rehydrate and refresh myself in the kitchen. Kade followed suit, trailing behind me. He undid his bowtie popping it down on the counter and left his jacket on the back of a chair to get comfortable. He peered up at me above the rim of the glass, watching intently. I gulped, placing my drink down.

I turned around, glancing over my shoulder at the back. "Do you mind?" I whispered softly.

Wordlessly he approached me, smoothing his hand down my arm before he pulled at the bow to undo the lace up back. Goosebumps erupted over the skin his fingertips graced. He carefully loosened it just enough so I could slip out of it later on.

"Thankyou," I whispered over my shoulder. His grasp slipped down to the curve of my waist, resting it on my hip.

"You're welcome," he answered gruffly, his voiced laced with tension.

It's like the air was sucked out of my lungs and replaced with something much more potent with energy. His strong, warm hand tightened around my waist, pulling me back into an equally strong, warm chest.

"Don't you remember Isobel?" he whispered into my ear. The tip of his nose nuzzled against the slope of my neck.

A hot and cold chill runs through my body.

I remember.

I leaned back into his touch, as his mouth pressed hot wet kisses along my neck, making me lose all my senses. I raised one arm and curved it up around the side of his face, feeling the edge of his sharp jaw in my palm. He turned my body around, so that we came face-to-face. Kade stared deeply into my eyes, piercing my soul as he waited for consent.

I've already lost.


Our lips met in a fiery blaze, like a rush of oxygen fanning against the glowing embers of a hearth, transforming it into a full-blown fire. His lips were soft, yet demanding, moving against mine deliciously. My fingers wound their way to the back of his neck, grasping it tightly as I pulled him tighter towards me. I moaned as his hands trailed down my body, finding its place on my back. I felt the dress loosen as the lace-up came undone, falling apart against his quick, nimble fingers.

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