Chapter 7

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‘‘’That’s settled then. Go tell the pack!’’ the Alpha orders the Beta. The Beta scurries off leaving the Alpha to think about other things like why he picked that place. He felt drawn to it like duck to water. But why? 'Guilt.' His inner conscience shouted.’

Chapter 7

~ Cleo’s Pov ~


I feel like I have had a hangover and not fully recovered yet. It hurts! I shake my head and try to get used to my surroundings, of which there weren’t much. I was trapped inside a cupboard of some sort.

I breathe in and smell the wonderful scent of blood. My fangs shoot out and cut my bottom lip. I can hear the blood pumping from here! How can they tease me like this? I identify the blood type. A level 9 hunter. Nearly the best blood you can get.

And I was in their house! They were the ones who captured me yesterday! But I also smelt something else. A very familiar scent I have encountered before. A level 2 hunter, aka Miss Pateman. Damn!

I knew she was up to something! And it included a high level hunter. I don’t know what will happen if I ever have to fight him. I don’t know if I will win or not.

I was getting quite aggravated and out of breath. The oxygen in this tight space was slowly fading away and only Scarlett, my vampire would be able to survive the lack of air. Melody, my mermaid wouldn’t be able to handle this much longer. She hasn’t been near water since yesterday!

I forced everyone to the back of my head and let Scarlet take over. I had to be careful that no one opened the door on my now otherwise my cover would be blown. If anyone were to open this door and look at me they will be calling the authorities and what not.

I start to think about what happened. If I had got rid of my scent, none of this would have happened! I wasn’t paying attention. I need to get my head straight. This is terrible. I was running so fast that Miss Pateman could now definitely say I was a vampire.

I will get burned and killed and then I will have failed. Failed my family, my friends in my house, but most importantly myself. I had sworn not to die by the hands of a hunter, yet I have no idea how to get out of the mess I am in. I was trapped in their net.

I fall asleep in my own pity.

~ The Next Day ~

I feel sore and have pains running down my side. I can’t focus properly as I try to squint. I painfully look around as I crane my neck to the side and look forward. Every time I move it feels like I’m swinging. And then I realise.

I’m in the air!

My hands scrunch up into a fist. This is Miss Pateman’s doing. Scarlett seethes. I looked into Miss Pateman’s thoughts and I see that I had been dragged along the pavement and concrete, (which explains the burns and soreness on my back and sides) lynched up into this cage in front of the school building and everyone had been told to watch. ‘I’m not a circus act!’ Camilla shouts in my head. I wince at the volume.

There were more people arriving by the second. I then see Miss Pateman and another teacher step up onto a platform and she starts tapping the microphone so silence everyone.

‘’Good morning students and fellow teachers. Can I have your attention please.’’ she starts, ‘’here, I have a wonderful object to show you. Look and take photos, but be careful as she will bite.’’ She chuckles to herself. ‘She knows.’ I internally nod, agreeing with Abbie’s thought.

‘’This is a vampire. It was caught yesterday when I… I mean we,’’ she looks over to the other teacher ‘’went to inspect the woods for that girl who went missing on Friday night. You know, the one in the news.’’ People nodded in the crowd.

‘’We are part of an organisation to help families find their missing ones.’’ She pointed to man and herself. ‘That is complete bullshit!’ I look at Miss Pateman with disgust. ‘’Well, the girl was found dead and this disgusting creature next to her. The dead girl’s blood was all over this monstrosity’’ She spat. ‘Lies. These are all lies.’ I think to everyone in my head.

‘’How do you know that she is a vampire?’’ Someone shouts out in the crowd.

‘’There is a very special poison that grows in the wild called vervain. Now, vervain can’t do anything if you are human. But you see, this thing isn’t human but we can put it into test anyway.’’ She smiles wickedly at me as she takes a remote out from the back pocket of her jeans.

‘’The amount of vervain I am about to give this monster is life threatening so beware if things start to get gory.’’

I look at Miss Pateman as she smiles weirdly and presses her manicured nails onto the big red button in the centre of the remote.

I hear squeaky noises come from behind me and as I turn around I see a massive metal arm with a needle at the far end coming towards me at an increasing rate. I start to walk backwards slowly (as every time I would move so would the cage) and I then hit the metal mesh on the side.

I was stuck. Everywhere I moved the arm would move too as Miss Pateman was controlling it with a joy stick.

I backed up into the corner and thought to myself how screwed I really am…

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