Chapter 8

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*I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. I was on holiday! Enjoy!*


‘I hear squeaky noises come from behind me and as I turn around I see a massive metal arm with a needle at the far end coming towards me at an increasing rate. I start to walk backwards slowly (as every time I would move so would the cage) and I then hit the metal mesh on the side. I was stuck. Everywhere I moved the arm would move too as Miss Pateman was controlling it with a joy stick.

I backed up into the corner and thought to myself how screwed I really am…’ 

Chapter 8

~ Cleo’s Pov ~

Flashes of the crash and fire pass through my mind. I think death may be upon me. I could see myself in heaven eventually when I knew this was over. With my parents. But it wasn’t.

Screech! The metal arm that was in good need of oiling broke me out of my faze.

As the metal arm inched closer and closer to me I breathed in and in some more. I looked down and saw that I could breathe in no further. As I moved my arms, something caught the light from the sun on my hand, causing it to sparkle and get my attention.

On my hand was my saviour. On my hand was my ticket to freedom. On my hand was my ring which was perfectly placed on my index finger. No scratched, dents or otherwise. My ring.

I thanked god I put on my ring yesterday otherwise I would be dead.

As I snap out of my daze I realise I was still going to be injected! A good idea popped into my head. I knew I had to dramatize from here on in, until the end. I need it to look realistic.

The fine needle punctured my skin as I ‘screamed’ and started to ‘shake’ theatrically. People in the crowd gasped.

I then stopped turn round to Miss Pateman and gave her a thousand watt smile, bowed to the crowed and shouted, ‘’Thank you, thank you for coming to see this year’s promotion for the drama club held on Wednesday lunchtimes at 1 o’clock. I hope you all enjoyed the performance!’’ The audience gave a massive cheer. Some even whistled

Miss Pateman shook her head and then she knew she would have to improvise otherwise she would look like a complete fool. Obviously I would have to look innocent as well when she comes running for answers.

Miss Pateman lowered me to the ground, said her farewells and swiftly walked off with the teacher she was with.

I realised only then that he was the other hunter and he was the one that I had to face. I took in his body structure as he walked off with Miss Pateman.

He was quite muscular and had defined face that made him look quite intimidating. He put his arm around Miss Pateman and walked off. Wow, she has him wrapped around her little finger.

I run back to my friends acting like I was very modest and innocent.

‘’OMG you never said you were into drama!’’ Faith shouts.

‘’You were so good’’ Alana praises.

‘’I would have screamed if I was up at that height!’’ says Makenzie.

I noted that down in my head that Makenzie is afraid of heights. It might come in handy. I smiled at them and walked off to first period.

~ This scene could be a bit graphic. Please do not feel forced to read this ~

As school ends, I get into my car and go home. I realise on the way back to my house that I need to feed. Immediately.

I can feel my throat dry up and start to burn as I get hit with a shock of bloodlust. I really need to feed. I can feel my eyes turning black signifying bloodlust as I reach my house. I sense my face turning a ghostly white as all the veins in my face bulge out around my eyes and my eyelids turn a bloody red colour. This is what I am.

A monster.

I sprint out of the car, go round the back of my house to the forest and stop. I take a deep breath as I smell around for any sign of life in the forest.

As soon as I smell a deer, I’m on to it like a hawk, running faster than the speed of light as I zig-zag through the trees and bushes in my way.

I feel the pulse in the deer as it calls to me with its alluring scent. I smell its blood, stronger than I could ever smell it before as I realise that it is bleeding already. I sprint faster as I get greedy and want all the blood to myself as I can hear it dripping on to the floor, teasing me. I start to concentrate on the deer only. Nothing is going to stop me from getting my dinner.

I see the deer in a clearing with a huge wound on its upper thigh. I inspect the wound as I recognise that I’m not alone. I sniff around.


I sniff again.

But not vampire hunters. Human hunters that shoot birds. They must have caught it by mistake. They probably shoot ducks all the time and it is the right time of season for it. I better eat quickly before they find their Sunday roast ripped to shreds. As I dig my canines into the bloody flesh I fall in love with the taste of blood.

Obviously it isn’t as nice as human flesh and blood but this is still live and warm. Melody (my mermaid), Camilla (my wolf) and Scarlet (my vampire) are all satisfied once I finish off the succulent and juicy meat laid out before me.

They are all killers. Hunters. Monsters. They could destroy a whole village by themselves if they were left to starve and then released into the wild. They all crave blood which makes me who I am. A monster. An abomination.

A hybrid killer that defeats all supernaturals altogether. It has been said that I should be able to defeat all creatures at my highest point in my life. It says this in an old prediction made by a werewolf elder.

Anyways, back to the task in hand. I finish off the meat hungrily as I come to my senses and become aware that I’m not alone. I turn around and see my friends from school look at me with such horror as I hear a spray to my left and I fall down towards the floor in pain. Vervain.

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