Chapter 7

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Jim got stopped by a male selling timeshares, and no matter how much he declined, the man kept pushing him to buy one

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Jim got stopped by a male selling timeshares, and no matter how much he declined, the man kept pushing him to buy one. Hansen chuckled and shook his head. He could see that Jim was getting really annoyed. Hansen decided to call a hotel to stay in for at least two weeks. He remembered Frank saying there was a Four Seasons hotel in Ko'Olina. Hansen had stayed at one of their hotels before, and he liked the service there. So he decided to give them a call and book a room.

After he finished booking a room at the Four Seasons, he decided that it was time to save Jim from the salesperson. He couldn't blame the man for being pushy. He was just trying to do his job. Hansen walked towards Jim and the salesperson, then grabbed Jim's hand.

"Honey, I booked our room at the 'Exotic Ooh LaLa' for two. So we have to hurry," said Hansen in a feminine voice, pretending he was gay and that Jim was his significant other.

Jim looked at Hansen with a confused face, but played along. He thanked the man, and walked away, still holding Hansen's hand. It wasn't until they walked around the corner that Hansen let Jim's hand go. They both laughed.

Jim turned towards Hansen and said in a cocky voice, "Hey man. I know I'm an attractive man," flexing his biceps, "but I'm already spoken for." "Oh shut up," said Hansen as he pushed Jim away.

Jim took Hansen to try shave ice, kulolo, and spicy ahi poke. Hansen liked all of them, especially the spicy ahi poke. He was hesitant to try the kulolo at first, because it looked gross, but was glad he did. It tasted delicious.

When they got back in the car Jim turned towards Hansen.

"Do you want to stay at our place? We have a guest room," said Jim. He wasn't sure if Hansen had book a room at a hotel, so he asked his wife to get the guest room ready for him in case he needed a place. Jim's family was very welcoming to everyone, and always showed the 'Aloha spirit' to others.

Hansen shook his head and replied, "No, thanks though. I booked a room at Four Seasons in Ko'Olina for two weeks."

"Are you sure? You can always stay at our place. My wife makes the best fried chicken wings. Eating that with fresh hot white rice, is Ono," Jim said with pride. (Ono means delicious)

Hansen laughed and replied, "I'm sure."

"Ko'Olina is on the way home," said Jim as he pulled onto the highway.

On the way there when Jim asked Hansen about the affair, Hansen was hesitant to tell him at first, because it was the last thing that he wanted to talk about. He wanted to get away from it, but since Jim is his best friend. Practically a brother to Hansen, he decide to tell him. Hansen felt like he was going through that day all over again. Just talking about it hurt, especially when he has to say it out loud.

Jim was happily married to his wife, and they had been high school sweethearts as well. Jim could never see himself going through what Hansen is going through. Besides . . . Jim would kill the man instead of punching him like Hansen.

"There's other fish in the sea," said Jim with sympathy.

Hansen sighed and replied, "Yeah, I know."

"Think of her as like a tuna fish. It was a good fish, but then it stunk," said Jim.

Hansen turned towards Jim with a raised eyebrow.

"No one likes stink tuna," Jim said shaking his head.

"Yeah, no one likes a cheater either," said Hansen.

When they finally arrived at Four Seasons, and pulled up at the entrance. Hawai'ian music was playing, and you could hear it from the entrance. A Polynesian man in a Four Seasons uniform opened the passenger door.

"Aloha, welcome to Four Seasons," said the man.

"Call me if you need anything man. I'm just a few minutes' drive away," said Jim from the driver's seat.

Hansen nodded before he closed the door and Jim drove off.

"Enjoy your stay," said the man, as Hansen walked inside.

I'm sure I will, Hansen thought to himself. 


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