Chapter 19

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By the time Thanya showed up at her grandparents' house, everyone was already eating and she knew she was going to get scoldings from her grandma for being late

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By the time Thanya showed up at her grandparents' house, everyone was already eating and she knew she was going to get scoldings from her grandma for being late. She blamed it on traffic, and she knew if anyone else was late, they would have done the same. She groaned at the amount of dishes she knew was going to be waiting for her after dinner.

Whenever someone was late, the punishment was that they would have to do the dishes by themselves. It was something no one liked doing, which is why everyone always tried to be on time. If they were lucky, someone would probably help them. It always depended on who it was.

When dinner was over and Thanya was washing the dishes, her aunt Sandy came in the kitchen. Sandy was like a mom to Thanya. She raised her and treated Thanya as if she were her own, after her real mother died when she was young. Sandy was infertile and unfortunately couldn't have kids of her own, so when her sister-in-law came to Hawai'i with her niece, she was so happy to see her. Aunty Sandy came to the family dinner with another family member.

Sandy O'Hara was Thanya's biological father's sister. After the tragic death of Thanya's father, Thanya's mother decided it was best for both of them to go to O'ahu and live with her in-laws. From what Jack told Tien, his family were good people. She knew her mother was taking a chance, considering the fact that she had never met them before, but Tien believed him. He was a good man, so she believed that his family were good people too. Plus, Thanya was just a baby when her father passed, so it wasn't like she could protest about moving.

Tien decided to change Thanya's last name back to her maiden name back when they were still in Vietnam. Back then the Vietnamese soldiers were going around killing any American men, women, or children. It was a horrible sight to see, but that's what war was. It was a nightmare.

"Why were you late for dinner?" Sandy asked curiously, as she picked up a rag and helped Thanya put away the dishes. Thanya smiled gratefully, thankful for her help.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Thanya.

This piqued Sandy's curiosity. Thanya practically told her everything, and this was the first time that she refused to do so. She knew she couldn't force Thanya to tell her. Thanya was a stubborn girl sometimes.

"Hmmm," said Sandy. "All right then," she continued, as she put down the rag and was about to walk away.

Thanya did not want to do everything by herself and immediately gave in.

"Wait!" she said as her aunt was about to walk away.

Sandy smiled, her back facing Thanya. "Okay fine," Thanya mumbled.

Her aunt turned around and picked up the rag, and helped with the dishes. She nodded to Thanya to explain. After Thanya explained everything about Hansen, locking the gate, and the whole dog incident, her aunt looked at Thanya with a smile and eyes that held tears. They weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of Joy. Her aunt saw hope for Thanya to love again. This man was going about everything in a weird way, but she found it amusing and great, nonetheless.

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