6. Apples are necessary

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"Now that is what I like to call a good days work. Well done." Uncle Fred claps me heartily on the back as he walks round the table. It's the end of my third day here and I'm finally catching onto my temporary routine. "Time to boil some water."

Sage nods and lifts the pot of water over the fire. "Tomorrow Isabel and I will go to the market and see if we can sell old Maisie."

"Glad to hear that," Uncle Fred replies. "I've been meaning to do that for a week."

I smile. The things to do round here are endless.

Isabel sits down beside me at the table with a groan. "I'm hoping Martha also has some more leg ointment for me."

Sage leans over and kisses Isabel's cheek. "I'm sure she will."

I'd learnt that Isabel had broken her leg in a nasty riding accident as a young girl and it had never fully healed. Earlier today I'd witnessed her small figure limping across the horses field before Sage met her halfway across and scooped her up into his arms. The adoration on her face at his concern and willingness to help her could not be described in words.

"I wouldn't mind if you two wanted to also try and get a hold of some fruit to make a crumble or something?" Uncle Fred suggests.

"As long as it's not apples, then of course we shall," Sage says.

"Sage, my love," Isabel starts, "apples are essential when making a good crumble."

"Apples are..." he shudders. "No absolutely not, darling. No apples please."

Isabel leans closer to me. "Before you marry, make sure to check what your husband-to-be likes to eat. I unfortunately learnt only after I'd tied the knot about Sage's taste in food."

I grin. "I certainly shall be sure to check. I don't know how you survive with Sage."

"I don't." Isabel laughs.

"I heard that." Sage playfully scowls.

I laugh silently at their exchange, which only causes Sage to scowl more. They're only twenty years old and yet they act like an old married couple.


"Remember the apples!" Uncle Fred shouts at the shrinking cart being pulled down the track. He turns to me with a sigh written all over his face. "You think Sage will talk Isabel out of getting the apples?"

"Of course not." I laugh. "But he might be able to distract her enough to forget them."

"Aye lassie, well fingers crossed, because I would love to have some of Isabel's classic apple crumble tonight."

We turn and walk back around the cottage to the stable. As we near the paddock Uncle calls out to the horses and they come trotting out.

A smile grows on my face.

Since I was very young, a wish of mine was always to learn to ride, however the opportunity never arose until now. And with me on the run, riding will be a very useful skill to have.

"First things first," Uncle Fred begins. "Before you even think of getting on your horse, you must take a few moments to get to know it."

"Get to know my horse? How do I do that?"

Uncle Fred opens the latched door and we walk into the stable. The smell of horses immediately washes over me and I wrinkle up my nose.

"Ha! You'll get used to the smell soon lassie. You've spent too much time in Kahlo and not enough in the countryside."

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