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"I have been thinking," Killian walks up to where I am baking and puts his warm hands around my waist.

"That's dangerous, should I be concerned?" I tease.

"Ha ha, very amusing," he leans over me and dips a finger into the mixture.

"Killian!" I gently slap his hand away, "Did you just come in here to distract me?"

"No, but I have been thinking that, as of tomorrow I should bar the kitchen off limits to you."

I spin around, "Why?"

He licks the batter off his fingers, "Because then it means you cannot leave the family feast by pulling the 'Ell's kitchen escape' move."

I laugh and give him a peck on the lips, "I already told you, my days of running are over."

"They better be, I do not want to be stranded with both our families in the same room," he says with a grimace.

"Do not worry, we shall tackle the night hand in hand, you have my word," I say, turning back around to continue stirring the batter.

Somehow we have managed to convince both sides of our families, Killian's far more challenging then my own, to come together for a feast in order to get to each other better.

A few weeks ago, after emerging from Balcott forest an engaged woman, I had written an letter to both my parents, sister, great uncle Fred and to Sage explaining the entire situation and to invite them all to a feast at the Golding manor, so that they could meet the other side of the family to be.

Everybody was rather confused at the situation as expressed elaborately in return letters, however they have all accepted our invitation and are expected to arrive tomorrow morning. Maud and Anne also received long letters from me and are planning to visit in summer when castle life becomes much more lazy and they can have a break.

The Golding's themselves have been rather cold since we announced our engagement, however they did get their way in the end; their son is engaged to a girl who is not going anywhere, even if the girl in question is not their favourite person to say the least. Over time they have grudgingly come to accept my presence in the manor, but still are choosing to avoid me at all costs much to my amusement.

"I have a lesson with Leo now, he wanted me to ask you if he could ride Griffin today?" Killian asks, changing the subject.

"Of course, I did not have time to take him out earlier so that works well. Go have a good time!"

"We will," he kisses me on the cheek before letting me go with a grin, "by the way, you have some batter on your nose m'lady."

I smile and wipe the batter off my nose. What a journey it has been, from being a plain carpenters daughter to becoming the future lady of a manor, engaged to a knight and yet still happily cooking away in the servant's kitchen.

I am definitely experiencing the best of both worlds, a situation I never thought would occur.

Life sure is unexpected to say the least. 


Hope you enjoyed!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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