10. Leon? Really?

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We reach the tree line without coming across the source of the noice. Sage halts both horses, and we take a moment.

"I'm thinking we dismount, tie the again horses up behind some trees and scout out the land ahead, it will be a lot more open, and if there is danger there we would be spotted almost immediately if we go straight out." Sage suggests.

"Yeah, I agree,"

Sage dismounts first, easier because he's behind and so can just swing off without hitting me. I then quickly follow his lead. I'm now getting the hang of dismounting, the first time we stopped I demonstrated exactly how a lady falls off a horse; not gracefully.

Griffin and Winifred get tied loosely to a tree and happily start grazing.

I then waddle over to a big oak tree, my legs still adjusting from riding to walking. Sage quietly laughs at my walk.

"Shut up," I teasingly hiss at him.

We lie down on the bank and peer around the tree.

Ahead I see the grassy plane, a few bushes lightly scattered across here and there. My eyes follow the track and I see it leading to a crossroads. 

Straight ahead, passed the crossroads the track continues through the grasses and finally reaches another forest in the distance. The track leading left from the cross roads continues, I'd guess for about a few miles and then it hits the beginning of Trouvaille Mountain Range, one of the most distinct features of Ardonshire. The final track leads right towards the Burnsley Village, it's lined with a few big trees on the far side.

At first glance everything seems normal, not another person in sight, however on a second sweep of the landscape my eye catches onto a glimpse of white.

"Sage," I whisper, thought why I'm whispering I don't know because nobody is in the near vicinity.


"Do you see that white over there?"


I point.

"Looks like a tent," He squints, "no, multiple tents."

He's right, there is. And tents only mean one thing, knights or royalty.

"This is not good." Sage states.

"No, not it isn't."

A pause, while we both start wracking our brains for a solution. Luckily we had checked because if we had stepped out into the open, there would be no turning around.

"You know, there's a very high chance they have no knowledge of you." Sage says.

"Yeah, but still they may ask questions,"

"Maybe we could leave the track and cut across the grass?"

"That would look too odd," I bite my lip, "but then again, they may then go out of their way to question us, and it's not like we can wait them out, because we have knights from behind on our tail."

"Oh boy... this is a nightmare."

Oh boy...that brings an idea to my head — boy!

"Wait! Idea, I'm already dressed as a man,"

"Not amazingly," Sage interrupts, "and your voice is way too high for a man,"

"Nah, but listen, we grubby me up a bit, smear mud on my face and other places and then you pretend that I don't talk much."

Sage starts nodding, "Yes, thats a smart idea. We just act natural whilst we pass them so hopefully it doesn't even come to talking to them."

I smile, time for the best acting duo out there to come out.

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