28. A wall of steel

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"Ella! Where in God's good name have you been?" Sage hisses under his breath to me.

I frown, "What do you mean? I went out and bought some food."

"We woke up and you were gone! Do you know where my thoughts went?"

I finally take in his worried face, "No? Did something happen?"

"I thought you might've run into trouble when you left my room!" He throws his hands up, "Ell, there are angry knights looking for you!"

Gently I put my hand on his arm, "Sage, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going out, you and Killian both hadn't risen and so I decided go out. I know its surprising but I actually can fend for myself."

He relaxes, "I'm sorry lassy, I was just worried, I just don't want to fail you or Fred,"

I go in and give him a hug, "Don't worry, I'm not that easy to get rid of."

I feel him tighten his hug, and I swallow the lump in my throat. I haven't realised how much our friendship has grown over the days we've spent together. It's nice to not be alone.

Suddenly I hear an awkward cough and I look up and see Killian standing the doorway. What I sight we must be standing in the inn entrance hall, me windswept and soaking, embracing a dry Sage in a tight grip.

"Ah, Leon, I see that you are back,"

Sage and I quickly break apart and I nod.

"We need to leave now." Killian tells us before turning back around.

"Wait why?" Sage exclaims dashing after him.

"There is a storm coming, and we want to be ahead of it." Killian walks down the corridor.

"Won't it be worse for us in the mountains?"

Killian pauses and looks back, "Yes and no, getting into the mountains from here is one of the most dangerous parts, once we are in the mountains the track is easier and there are caves to shelter in. We need to make it in before the storm hits, or else be stuck here for who know how long."

"I'll go prepare the horse," Sage turns back to me, "Leon can you grab my bags?"

"Of course," I nod and Sage dashes off whilst Killian and I go to our rooms. As quickly as I can I grab both mine and Sage's bags, nipping between the rooms with speed. Thank goodness we both had our bags ready to go and even better is the fact that I have dried fruit attached to my belt under my cloak, though thinking about it, maybe not so dry anymore!

Running out of my room I am immediately confronted with a wall of steel that is breathing. I let out a yelp and look up to find Killian peering down at me. Although for a women I am tall, and even around a normal height for a man, Killian still towers above.

"Sorry didn't see you," I sheepishly smile.

"I can see that." He steps away and starts moving, " Come, we need to go."

Lugging the bags over my shoulder I follow him and suddenly realise, that I actually did run into steel, because under his dark black surcoat, his is indeed actually wearing armour, thin but there.

"Do you have your helmet with you?" I ask, after realising that is what's missing.

"Of course." He answers, without missing a beat. "Where were you earlier?"

"I went and grabbed dried fruit from a local."

Killian opens the door and looks back, giving me a nod of approval. We walk through it and come across the pair of young boys in the entrance hall playing with marbles on the floor. Before I can say anything Killian goes over and crouches down to their level.

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