12. I insist

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I yawn. The long day is now finally getting to me, weariness seeping through my body. For a good while now Sage has been taking care of Zuri, sending Leo running back and forwards gathering bandages, linen, water and eggs.

"There we go," Sage says, running his hand down Zuri's neck, "I think we have you covered for now,"

I perk up, does this mean we'll be able to leave soon? Thankfully we haven't actually interacted with anyone else but Leo since the run in with Peter. Zuri had been tied up behind the tents so to keep him from being further agitated by the noise and movement from the centre of camp.

"You honestly have a way with horses, he seems to be so much calmer now and in a lot less pain." I observe.

"Well I do hope he's in better shape now, however this will be only a temporary fix for him, a pulled ligament will take a good few months to heal at least,"

Leo then came around the corner carrying a large cup of water and some bread, "I've brought some more refreshments for you two as a thank you,"

He places them down on the ground.

"Thank you, Leo, you've been great company and help," Sage tells the boy, "I think you will go great places when you're a little older,"

The compliment makes Leo's whole body light up, "Really sir? You think that?"

Sage laughs, "Yes I do, don't let Peter bring you down all right."

"I won't anymore!" He declares, "I will stand up for myself!"

His energy is infectious.

"Who do I need to give instructions on how to care for Zuri from now on?"

Leo pauses and crinkles up his nose. "Ummm, well you see Bennet, Zuri's stable hand has gone to visit his family at the moment and won't return for a few weeks, so I don't know, maybe you should talk to Killian, Zuri is his horse."

"Okay, can you show us to Killian?" Sage asks.

"Wait!" I yelp out, both of them turn and look at me, eyes questioning.

"Can you hold up for a moment whilst I go pee behind those bushes?" My bladder has been growing fuller and fuller and is now uncomfortably full.

Leo giggles.


I smile apologetically and dash behind the bushes and relieve myself.

What crazy day it has been.

Feeling a lot lighter I emerge from behind the plants, luckily they were quite full of leaves.

"Better," Sage grins.

"Yep," I shake my head laughing.

We wonder back around the tent, after giving Zuri some food and water. Dusk has now fallen upon the land and temperatures are dropping. I shiver, hopefully we will be in a warm inn bed soon.

"Killian should be inside Luther's tent along with some of the other knights discussing plans."

I inwardly gulp.

Now that night is falling everyone is more central around a big fire, merry songs are beginning to be sung and the good smells of cooking are wafting through the air. So of course my stomach responds in a polite manner by letting out a loud rumble, the bread only momentarily quenched my hunger.

"Hungry?" Sage smirks.

"Shut up," I nudge him with my shoulder.

Leo pulls open the cloth hanging over the doorway to the tent, "They're in here,"

We all duck through the opening, Leo dodgy around us once we're in. A few men are scattered around the edge of the tent and in the centre of the room is a table covered in scrolls with three men standing over it.

Sage and I hesitate by the entrance but Leo walks up to the table and starts talking to the men in lowered voices, suddenly they look up at us.

The middle one looks older than the other two. Grey streaks lie in his dark hair, but I'm not fooled by them, his posture reveals his strength and ability to fight. On one side of the older man is a blond man, shorter and stockier then the other two, and with a smile on his face.

My gaze finally lands on the last man and my breath catches. Living in the castle the past few years has allowed me to witness my fair share of knights, however they hold nothing compared to the young man before me. He stands tall, with polished armour glinting in the candlelight. A thin, jagged scar runs down the right hand side of his face, blending in with the shadows that shroud his handsome features. This is not a simple manor knight, this is a lethal warrior, who has fought in many battles.

I jump slightly when Sage whispers to me, "You might want to relax your shoulders, they're almost up to your ears, it makes you look tense,"

"That's because I am tense!" I hiss but try to relax because he is right.

The older man steps around the table and comes over to us, "Greetings, I thank you for helping with one of our horses."

"It is our greatest honour to help with a knight's horse," Sage bows.

"Will he be all right?" Questions the knight with the scar, stepping forward.

"Yes, though he will need rest and care,"

"He will be given rest, he has earned it after the last months,"

Leo then pipes up, "Sage, Leon, this is Killian, Zuri's owner," He points at the man with the scar, "and then this is Luther," He gesturers to the older man.

"A pleasure to meet you," Sage says.

"Thank you for helping with Zuri, I appreciate the help." Killian speaks in a low voice.

"It's what I do, but I will need to talk to you about how to care for him in the next months,"

"Of course," Killian nods his head.

"But, not at the moment," Luther puts in, "you can discuss that tomorrow."

Sorry what? We hopefully won't be here tomorrow. I glance over at Sage.

"I'm sorry but we're needing to be on our way tonight, we still have a long way to go before we reach our destination."

"Spend the night here, celebrating our victories with us, then we shall talk seriously tomorrow, that will not effect your journey that much, and we do need to discuss news and information you have regarding where you came from."

I nervously wipe my palms on my tunic.

"Your idea seems sound my good Sir, but we really must keep going," Sage says carefully.

"I insist you stay," Luther's voice has a tinge of coldness to it.

There is a pause. We cannot go against a knight meaning we will have to stay.

"As you wish."

"Leo, make sure they're well treated, that includes food, water and blankets,"

"Yes, Sir," Leo answers.

"You may go now, we shall talk in the morning." Luther dismisses us.

We turn and make out way back out of the tent, the burning gazes of the knights scolding my back.

It's going to be a restless night of me constantly being on edge.


I love how when I'm writing, the situations and characters fully take over where the tale goes. I plan something and it goes the exact opposite direction. Not even I know 100% if Sage and Ella will make it out of the camp without being discovered, we shall all have to see :)

SouthernAlps over and out...

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