30. The plague

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Throughout the whole night, I tossed and turned, my body feeling achy and hot. By the time dawn's light is beginning to peak over the mountains, I am already wide awake, my whole body no numb from the cold morning air, and my breath swirling out in front of me.

I slowly sit up and stretch, last night we all fell asleep around the fire after conversation dwindled down. Both men are still asleep, cloaks wrapped around every inch of themselves, Sage is letting out little snores and I smile.

As it gets lighter outside I realise that the world has been transformed overnight, snow is covering everything. The world is a white wonderland.

"See I told you it would snow," I turn my head and my eyes meet with Sage's sleepy ones, "morning."

"Morning," I reply, "I shall not doubt your weather predictions ever again."

He grins, "Have you eaten anything?"

"Nay, I don't have an appetite this morning,"

"That's not good lassy, you have at least have a slice of bread."

I think about it, I'm definitely not hungry but I need the energy, "Okay, fine."

He smiles and passes me some bread from the bag and I nod in thanks.

"Should we wake the knight?"

"You can do the honours," I respond.

He leans over and gentle taps Killian's shoulder and almost the second that he touches Killian uncoils like a snake and has a dagger drawn.

"Whoa, good morning to you too," Sage says, eyes wide.

"Ah sorry, old habits die hard," Killian grins sheepishly, "how did you sleep?"

"Was chilly, my poor fingers," Sage shivers, "here's breakfast for you, sorry it's only bread."

"I won't complain, its better then a lot of things I've had to eat," Killian replies, "and how did you sleep Leon?"

I look up, "I had a rough night, I felt a bit achy and out of it."

"And how are you feeling now?"

"Cold," I let out a laugh that evolves into a cough, "I'll be fine." I splutter out.

"You sure about that?" Sage asks worriedly.

"Trust me, I'm as healthy as a spring chicken. Let's get moving and I shall warm up,"

Sage shrugs, "Okay."

They both share a look but don't question me further and we quickly pack up our belongings and prepare the horses for the day, all three of them happy to get moving again.

I never realised how eery the mountains would be, it seems as though we are riding in between white sleeping giants. Our voices carry, bouncing out around the valleys that we ride in, not another creature to be seen, the only other sound to be heard is the crunching of the snow underneath the horses feet. The air has a ghostly feel to it.

Throughout the day, I begin to feel more and more tired. Although I have grown perfectly warm again, my body still aches, right down to my bones. By mid day, the sun has surprisingly appeared and is beating down on us in a ruthless manner, glaring at us from all angles, the beams reflecting off the snow. After eating lunch we are all forced to squint ahead or else be blinded.

"I think I will most likely be blind by the end of today," Sage calls out from in front of me.

Killian replies from the front, but it is too quiet for me to hear they continue to converse between themselves but I zone out, not bothering to try and keep up with conversation. My head ache has returned and I can barely focus on anything, Griffin is now doing more to keep me on then him then I, myself.

"Leon?" I vaguely hear from up front.

I raise my head up.

"Leon?" The voice is more urgent. "Stop the horses, I don't think he's well."

"I-I'm fine," I say, but my voice comes out weak. I see Sage quickly coming back towards me and stopping Griffin.

"Ell, how are you feeling?" Sage quietly says, brows drawn together in concern, his hand by my leg.

"I'm ok-kay, w-we can keep g-going."

"No, you're not." He says firmly, "Come on, off you get."

I have no energy to argue so I slide off Griffin down into the snow, Sage catching me before I collapse.

"Oh my gosh, you are freezing, here have my cloak," I barely feel him wrapping it around me. Sleep calls to me and the white landscape slowly turns dark.

"Ell! You cannot sleep now!" I feel Sage gently shaking me so I force open my eyes. "Where are you hurting?"

"My whole b-body aches," I whisper, the steady throb in my temple interrupting my thoughts.

I lean again Sage's warm body and close my eyes.

"Killian!" He shouts, "Is there somewhere nearby with shelter where we can stop?"

A pause.

"Yes, but we will need to ride up this mountain, there's a small cave higher up."

"Let's go there, I am going to ride with Leon, he cannot ride alone,"

"Sage..." My voice dies so I try again, "Sage, I-I don't think I can get b-back up."

He hugs me, "Ell, you have to, we are going to a safe dry place and you can rest there, now lets get you back up onto Griffin."

With much effort and help from Sage, I make it back up, just. Sage hops up behind me and I close my eyes, his arms supporting me.

I feel Griffin move and Sage starts talking to Killian but sleep is taking me and I have no more energy to resist.


I small jolt pulls me out of my slumber. Alarm rushes through me when I don't feel Griffin's body beneath me and instead two arms, I try to move but barely manage a wriggle.

"You are safe, don't struggle." The soft but deep voice of the person carrying me says and I relax. The motion of their walk slowly lulling me back to sleep.


I awaken this time, wrapped up on the floor, to voices nearby. Blearily I open my eyes and see Sage and Killian standing a few feet away, talking in hushed tones.

"Have he recently been in direct contact with someone that has the plague?" Killian asks.

"Not that I know of, do you really think it could be the plague?" Sage replies.

"He is showing some signs that the infected show, but we have to hope it is something else."

"And what if it is?"

The last thing I hear, before I slip back under his Killian replying gravely, "Then it's too late for any of us now."

A/N: Sorry to leave the chapter on that ominous note but at least we have an early update, I'm also going to probably post an extra chapter on Monday so keep your eyes peeled!

I hope everyone has a had a good week so far and keep being safe!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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