27. Pulling off the male look

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I bid the boys an early goodnight and stumble back to my room. Throughout the evening I'd slowly gained a headache as well as the exhaustion of the day catching up to me in waves so much so that I could barely even pay attention to conversation.

Barely keeping my eyes open, I stagger into my room and head straight to the bed, flopping onto the blankets and wrapping them around me tight, my body giving in immediately to my fatigue, sleeping into darkness.


I awaken to a loud yelp and my eyes fly open. There in front of me, standing in the dark, is a silhouette.

A silhouette of man holding out a knife.

Instinctively I jump up and freeze, adrenaline pumping though my veins.

The figure walks closer, peering at me, then suddenly drops the arm holding the knife down.

"Ella?" Sage's voice echoes out.


"Oh my god, lassy, you scared me half to death."

I sigh in relief and sit back down, "Why are you in here?"

"Why am I in here?" Sage echoes my words.

I wrinkle my brow, "This is my room,"

"Lassy, this is not your room, its mine." He gives me a look, "Are you okay?"

I look around and see the dark layout of the room and realise that he is right, it's not my room. I internally face palm, letting out a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I was obviously not paying attention."

"I see that, Isabel will be so mad when she finds out you were in my bed."

My expression drops from humour to worry, but suddenly he laughs, "Ell, I'm winding you up, she'll find it funny as."

"At least I didn't end up in Killian's bed, then it might've been game over for us," I say.

"If you had ended up in his bed I don't think you'd exist anymore." Sage is right, who knows what could've happened if I'd ended up in Killian's bed instead.

A cold shiver goes through my body, whether in response to his words or because I'm cold.

"Okay, I'm going to go back to my room now, see you in the morning, and sorry for startling you!" I smile and head out the room.

"Goodnight!" Sage calls at my receding back. For once I'm grateful that I was too tired to take anything off when I got in, because would've been embarrassing.

I take a quick detour and stop in the privy. My flow is slowing down now which I'm thankful about, washing and changing my flow strips has been a nightmare the last few days.

Finishing in there, I tiptoe back to my actual room, laughing, if anyone saw me now they'd think I was doing 'the walk of shame,' a walk that Maud, Anne and I had seen countless people do in the middle of the night at the Gandrick Castle, much to our amusement.

I do wonder how castle life is, my friends, my family, everyone. What the knights from yesterday told me is that the Lord and Lady Golding are still looking for me, maybe even their son now as well, enough time has passed that he should be back now. I giggle, I'd pay to see the look on his face when he's told his wife to be has run away. I am teaching that family a lesson, that everyone beneath them is not just a pawn to be moved around when they wish, we have lives and wishes too.

I make it back into the comfort of my own bed, this time changing into clothes to sleep in before getting under the blankets. At some point the boys from earlier must've come in and dropped off our bags, and I gratefully smile.

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