(5) The Plant man

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Music: Halsey, Finally//Beautiful Stranger 
February 2nd, 2020 

Keith held the door open and stood aside. Spying hardwood floors, she took her shoes off and turned them upside down to let the water drain out. The miniature rivers flowed down the brick steps. She peeled off her socks, and finally stepped into his home. Despite her efforts to keep from getting his floor wet, rainwater trickled out of her hair and dress. Keith, potentially with more reason than she had at that moment, followed her in without bothering to take his wet shoes off.

Stella's first impression of his house was that it was relatively clean. He didn't have random objects strewn about, everything appeared to be in his place. She spied small clumps of fur here and there, evidence of his cats. There were plants on every conceivable surface, mostly the kind that were green, leafy, and flowerless. Stella did a double-take and confirmed that there was indeed a potted tree in his living room as well. There were photographs, Stella assumed, of his family and friends hanging up on the far wall. The recliners looked comfortable and were placed carefully in front of a well-used fireplace.

"What do you think?" he asked, reminding her that he was still beside her.  

"It's," she paused, trying to figure out how his house made her feel. It had a warmness to it, some sort of tranquility she hadn't expected to stumble across. "Nice," Stella finally decided.

"You're not just saying that?"

"No. It, I really don't know how to describe it, honestly." Her eyes flitted from furniture to plants, to photographs, to more plants. "It's just nice," she said with a shrug. She continued looking around, trying to figure out what made it so tranquil. Stella could feel memories dancing just beyond her grasp.

Keith scrutinized her. Then, his shoulders relaxed. "If you want to follow me upstairs, I can loan you some of my clothes until yours are dry."

Stella thought about her reply briefly. "And what if I don't want to?" she asked with a devilish smile.

Keith pretended to think. "Then I guess you'll have to stay in your soaking wet clothes," he replied with a shrug. He started up the stairs; Stella scampered after him. There was nothing worse than wet clothes.

She paused at his bedroom door and leaned against the frame. Her heart thudded against her ribs. There was something intimate about going into his bedroom. Surveying his room from the doorway, she noted that his room was primarily blue and grey. He had navy carpeting, dark grey bedding, and light gray walls. His furniture was stark white. There were more plants on his dresser, a few with flowers. There was another tree in his room. 'What is it with him and plants?' she wondered, briefly. Despite the layer of dust and fur, his bedroom was as neat as his living room. 

Keith chose a shirt and sweat pants for her, also grey. "The bathroom is there," he pointed towards the bathroom door. "You can change in there. If you'd rather. Of course."

Stella thought it was cute that he couldn't look her in the eyes right now. "I could," she purred as she walked across his room. "Or, I could ask you for help." She captured his lips in a heated kiss. Stella wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

After all, he had to have brought her here for a reason. 

She might as well enjoy it, right? 

She felt Keith's hands land on her hips, and pull her flush against his. Stella shuddered as his hands slipped over her hips, down her legs, and slid back up underneath her dress. Stella tilted her head back, to study Keith through half-closed eyes. She didn't have a chance to take his appearance in before she felt his lips against her ear.

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