(15) One Lunch Later

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Music: No Roots, Alice Merton
March 23rd, 2020


A classical piece of piano music drifted through Lacroix, greeting the young professional with its soothing melodies. Introducing herself to the hostess, she was seated promptly. The reserved table overlooked the garden, a riot of color vibrant in the noon light. 

On the table itself sat a vase, containing a bouquet of cream and peach roses. She took one out of the vase, inhaling the floral scent, eyes closed in delight. Roses were one of the flowers Melissa grew in her garden; one of her pride and joys. They always brought forth a bitter-sweet smile. 

Putting the flower back, she picked up the card that sat propped in front of the bouquet. 

Dear Dr. Montgomery; 

I wanted once again to thank you for your dedication to my son, Cole's, medical care. Please accept these flowers as a token of how much I appreciate you for your hard work. I look forward to having lunch with you. 


William Pennhurst, III 

The card furthered her smile. Despite how much she minimized her role in Cole's recovery, gratitude never got old. She put the card back in the envelope and put it in her purse. 

While she glanced over the menu, a waiter came and filled her glass of water. A group of professionals walked by, guided to their own table by the same hostess from earlier. The restaurant started to fill with the hubbub of quiet lunch-time talk.

"Dr. Montgomery! It's good to see you," a familiar masculine voice cut through the noise. 

"Mr. Pennhurst, its good to see you, too!" she exclaimed, standing up to shake his offered hand. "Thank you for the flowers." Looking him over, she remembered her coworkers' teasings of their physical similarities. Then how one of the nurses realized that no one knew any personal details of Stella's life. Since then, it became a game in the PICU to try and get her to talk about something outside her hospital life. 

"You're welcome. And, please, call me Will. Most people do." 

"Then please, call me Stella." She flashed one of her award-winning smiles as they sat back down. She forced her coworkers' teasing out of her mind; any random man on the street could be her father. Besides, there were only a certain amount of genetic combinations. It was entirely that they were blessed with a similar set that determined their physical traits.

"I hope you don't mind; I called ahead and ordered a bottle of cabernet for us," he said as their waiter came over with a bottle of wine. He offered his glass to get filled.

"It's perfectly fine. But, I'd rather stick with water." To emphasize her point, Stella took a sip of her water, the pale pink lipstick leaving a faint mark behind. 

"There's no need to worry about the cost. I am paying for today's lunch. Please, have some," Will said, gesturing for the waiter to pour her a glass.

"No, thank you. I don't drink, Will."  Her eyes matched his - she ignored the voice that said they were the exact same shade of green - a challenge in both.

With a well-disguised look of disappointment, Will looked away. "Very well, Stella. Shall we look at lunch instead, then?" 

She shuddered at the way he said her name. Something about it felt oily. Copying Will's actions, she returned her attention back to the menu. It had not changed within the past few minutes; there was still only one thing she could eat. Instead of trying to convince herself that maybe, possibly, cheese would be alright to eat, she studied will over the top of the menu. 

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