Chapter 1- A simple gesture

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Riley's POV

I woke up to that annoying alarm clock signaling that it was time to wake up. It was Saturday and my sister and I live with our father so that means I need a job to help provide for the family since my sister is only five. Yes, I'm a seventeen year old, that spends three days a week and her weekends working at a book store. Just living the life aren't I?

I looked out of my bedroom window and saw that we were getting new neighbors. Honestly though, who moves into a house at five in the morning? Never mind. I swung my legs over my bed and walked to the bathroom for my shower. I stepped in the shower and let the water run down my back.

I pulled on my faded ripped jeans and my black shirt that I was required to wear. I then twisted my hair into a messy bun and pulled on my black vans. I looked out my window one last time and saw that the new family was still moving in.

I jogged downstairs and grabbed an apple before I left for work. I really am pathetic, I don't have a life. Unlike most teenagers, I have never even touched alcohol, I've never been to a party, and last but not least, I have never had a kiss, let alone a boyfriend.

I sighed and stepped outside into the cool spring air and began my walk to work. a I had to pass on front of the neighbors house so I decided to introduce myself. "Good morning. I'm Riley, I live in the house just next door to you." A man and a woman walked over to me and shook my hand. "I'm Maryann, and this is my husband Cliff. It's very nice to meet you."

I began to walk again. I wonder if they have any kids my age? I pulled out my phone and put my headphones in. Music helps me relax so I always have my headphones in.

I finally reached the book store and began my shift. It was early in the morning so we don't get a lot of customers. Except this tall guy.

"Good morning. Will this book be all?" I pulled it back and scanned it. I saw that it was one of my favorite books. Paper towns. "This is a great book. Good choice." I finally looked up at the stranger who was buying the book and woah was he gorgeous.

"Can I just pay now and leave, that way I don't have to listen to you babble?" I made an o shape with my mouth and quickly closed it and nodded. He handed me the money in exchange for his book. "All I was saying was that it was a really good book."

"I don't really give a shit, the book isn't even for me." He grabbed his change and walked out of the store. He may be good looking, but he is rude. I sighed and let the rest of this horrid day pass.

It was the end of the day and my manager called me to her office. "Can I help you?" I asked her politely. "So I heard there was a problem with a customer and as you know, if a customer reports you, your fired. So I'm sorry Riley but your fired."

The words repeated in my head. "Ma'am all I told him was that he picked a good book. I don't see what I did wrong here." I told her defensively and she glared at me. "Young lady, you can leave now!" I sighed and picked up my last pay check and started walking home. Luckily my sister stayed at the baby sitters house last night so I can have some piece and quiet while looking for new jobs.

As I was walking it started to lightly sprinkle so I walked faster. I finally reached my front door and searched around my bag for my key. Shit. Now it's pouring and I'm locked outside till twelve o'clock tonight. Ugh. Whoopee fucking doo. I sat down on my steps and let myself get drenched in the rain.

"Riley. Sweetie. I know we are your new neighbors and all but why don't you come inside and dry off." Maryann said and came over to me with an umbrella. "Thanks Maryann but I should be alright." She shook her head and smiled at me. "Come on let's go."

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