Chapter 28- Check Ups and Prom

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(Riley's dress ^)
Riley's POV

I pulled on Colton's hoodie and my skinny jeans. I quickly through my hair into a messy bun, I didn't really want to go to school today. I slipped on my vans and Colton came out in some sweatpants and a muscle shirt. He smiled at me then came over and kissed my lips lightly. "I know you don't want to go to school but it's only for three hours." He kissed the top of my head and grabbed his keys and we walked out to the car.

"Hey babe, I have to send in some photography samples for my classes and I want to do a photo shoot of you." He smirked and pulled out of the drive way. "You want to stare at my beautiful self all day." I rolled my eyes at him. "Your ridiculous." He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. "But you love me anyways." I smiled like a little kid at my boyfriend. "You know I do."

When he pulled up to school I got up and started feeling nauseas. "Princess are you okay?" I ran to a trash can where nobody was and threw up. Gosh I wish the sickness part of the pregnancy would go away. Colton rubbed my back and I turned to him and asked him for gum. He ran back to the car and handed me a piece. "Will you be okay during class?" I nodded slightly. "I should be fine. And Colton I'm happy for this baby as much as you are but I don't want people to find out I'm pregnant. It would just lead to more effed up comments." He nodded as we walked past a prom poster. I forgot that was tonight. Victoria was coming over to mine so we could get ready.

"Well we should get to class." Colton looked at me with comforting eyes. "Yeah let's go." He grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him. He would be a great dad. I thought about the little thuds of our baby running down the hall. I smiled to myself as we walked into class.

As they drug on I just doodled in my sketch book. I looked over at Colton who was laying his head down on his desk. I smirked and light tickled his ear. His head flew up and he growled a little. "Mr. Black, is there a problem?" Colton shook his head and then sent me a playful glare. "I will get you later princess." I stuck my tongue out at him like a three year old and the bell rang. Thank god. I am starving.

I walked to lunch and I saw Shane and Victoria sitting at the table talking. Colton snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. When we sat down I instantly began munching on my lunch. "Hey prego." Shane said with a smirk. "You know it's weird to think you fucked my little sister." Colton clenched his jaw. Victoria punched Shane's arms and I just gawked at him. "I didn't fuck her. I made love to her. There is a difference. I don't just go around sticking my di-" I held my hands up cutting everyone off. "Alright let's take it down a notch. I don't want to hear anymore of this shit. But Colton is right, there's a difference between making love and screwing. So let's talk about prom because that happens to be better than what we were just discussing."

Shane and Colton looked at me like confused puppies while Victoria and I talked about prom. I rested my hand on my stomach. I wonder how far along I am? Luckily my appointment was today after school.

When the bell rang signaling that lunch was over I quickly stood up and walked with Colton to his car because we leave after lunch. Colton smiled brightly at me. "I'm so excited." He said like a little kid. I felt my lips curve up into a smile. I can't believe how excited he is about all of this. "I'm nervous." He squeezed my hand lightly and pulled out of the school parking lot.

When we pulled up to the doctors I took a deep breath and we walked up to the building. "Don't worry princess, everything will be fine." I saw other women with big bellies and caring husbands. I had a slight smile on my face as I Walked up the receptionist. "Good morning. What is your name?" I blinked a couple of times. "Riley Richards." The woman took a minute to look down at her clip board and she looked up with a grin. "Right this way." Colton and I followed behind her to a room. "The doc will be in, in a minute." I nodded and laid down on the bed.

Bad Boys and Love|✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang